Ch 4: Reflection

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What she saw was not what she had wanted to see.

Looking down into the puddle of water, to her horror, she saw...nothing? There was nothing there, at least nothing that resembled Anna Valerious, even in the slightest. The water only reflected the night sky above her, a small piece of the castle, nothing more, nothing less.

'No, I can't... I'm not... this is impossible... but how?'

Sighing, Anna heard a noise some distance behind her. She spun around, only to see a redheaded woman, with pale skin, her brown eyes watching her.

'I'm glad you're alright, Anna.' She said, 'The name's Rose.' She extended her hand.

'Are you the other bride?' Anna didn't take her hand.

The woman nodded, lowering her hand, 'Lily's the youngest...'

'...And I'm the oldest.' The woman stared at her. Anna had finished her sentence, although by the look on Rose's face, what she'd said wasn't what she was going to say.

'Does this mean you remember?'

Anna thought about it for a few moments.

'Not really,' Rose looked disappointed, as Anna realised that she did remember, 'I mean yes I do, a little.' This statement made Rose's face light up with hope.

'You do? Really? What do you remember?'

'I don't really understand it. It's like a taste in the mouth. I can't get rid of it, whatever it is.'

'That's probably just blood, vampires never forget the taste, or at least the taste never leaves them.'

'No. No, Rose, it's not blood, I know what that tastes like, even before I'd become a vampire. It's something else, something I can't get rid of, and yet...' she fell silent for a few moments, a look of, what could've resembled thought, in her eyes, 'I feel like I don't want to get rid of it,' she looked directly at Rose, 'you know.'

'Hmm, that sounds familiar, somehow. Is that all you can remember?' Rose's curiosity wasn't the least bit annoying.


'One other thing, and it's even harder to describe.'

'How can it be harder?'

'It's like an urge, yet not an urge.'

Rose was obviously confused. Anna sighed, as she tried to find a way to describe the feeling. She knew she'd touched it before, she knew what it was, surely?

Just as Rose was about to ask her something, Anna whispered something inaudible.

'Sorry didn't catch that.'

'Silk,' Anna paused, her hand moving in a way that resembled feeling some kind of fabric, 'black silk.'

'Black silk?'

'But where in the castle could I find black silk?'

Rose looked thoughtful; 'you can only find it in two places.'

'Where?' asked Anna, surprising herself at how quickly she had asked - did she really want to know?

But Rose shook her head, 'I'm not the one to ask.'

Anna felt like she was a fragile porcelain doll that had just been dropped. Her heart sank faster than Van Helsing had at the ball and deeper than the Titanic. Though she had no idea why.

'Then tell me why I would have the urge to touch black silk?'

Rose shrugged in an un-Rose way – although Anna didn't know this, but she noticed that it didn't suit her.

'I have no idea; perhaps you should ask the Master. He would most likely know. After all, it is his castle.'

Ask Dracula? She'd sooner bite him, but instead of voicing this opinion, she said, 'Anyone else I could ask?'

'I wouldn't ask Lily, you never got along with her, she's always jealous of you.'

'Why would she be jealous of me?'

'You're the Master's first bride, you're kind of like his favourite.'

'What about you Rose?'

'Me?' asked rose surprised, 'I'm never jealous of you. You and I always got along, ask the Master if you don't believe me, cause Lily would lie and try to break the harmony between us and the master.'

'You can have him, I don't want him.'

Rose looked mortified as if she'd just watched Dracula get murdered, right before her very eyes.

'You're just saying that because you can't remember!'

She'd had enough of Rose, 'I'll see you later then,' besides she needed rest after learning all this, the knowledge was beginning to weigh down on her.

Walking through the castle she looked for a quiet place where she could sleep undisturbed and away from Dracula, and his brides.

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