Ch 17: Budapest

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The week passed so quickly, it had felt like mere days. Dracula was sitting by the window, as he had done every night that week. Anna however had managed to sit on the other side, far away from him, with Rose beside her and Lily between Rose and Dracula. She had many questions to ask herself.

How did she feel about Dracula?

Did Dracula truly have a heart?

Was her brother haunting her from beyond the grave?

Unfortunately, she didn't have the time to try and answer them. Since her mind had been so far away, it took her a few moments to realize that the coach had stopped. Looking out the window near Dracula, Anna saw the Summer Palace, the same one where Carl had set Dracula on fire, and where Van Helsing had saved her like Tarzan, swinging from the trapeze to the tightrope, (which he'd cut) but hadn't it all been in vain?

Hadn't she become Dracula's Bride? Had her family not been condemned to purgatory? Was not her brother, Velkin, dead? Did not Van Helsing hate her... or was he just bitter?

Dracula helped her down out of the coach. Van Helsing cracked the whip and drove away.

'Where is he going?' Anna asked Dracula curiously.

'To put the horses and coach away,' was all he said, as he led them inside.

The palace didn't look any different to what she remembered. Thinking that they were going into the ballroom, Anna walked straight ahead, but Dracula reached out and pulled her back, leading her to the right.

'This way, my dear,' he said, not at all surprised, or phased about where she had been going, in fact, he had almost expected it, however, it was not "All Hallows Eve" just yet, and the ballroom wasn't fully prepared for the ball.

'Where are we going?' Anna asked, feeling a little foolish, and confused. Lily and Rose were a distance ahead, but still within sight.

'The Ball is not until tomorrow night, Anna,' he said casually as if he was used to being asked such a question, 'tonight we shall prepare for the ball, then go to bed.'

'Why do we have to prepare now?'

'Simple.' He smiled, 'that way we don't have to hustle and bustle tomorrow, we can simply get ready.'

Having been so caught up in the conversation, Anna found that she had no idea where she was, or how to get there, however, looking at the Count's face she could tell that he knew this and would make sure that she didn't get lost, in these "new" surrounding.

Lily and Rose were waiting ahead, standing near some dark double doors, which were obviously Dracula's chambers in Budapest. Anna wanted to explore the place so that she didn't need anyone to stay with her constantly, least of all Dracula.

Dracula opened the doors, for his brides. Lily and Rose rushed off to get their things ready for the ball, before going to bed. Anna however had not hurried off like her sisters, Dracula had noticed the way Anna had been acting lately, and it worried him.

'Anna, are you alright?' he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper. She turned to face him, her brow furrowed.

'No, I'm fine,' pause, 'just thinking that's all.' Still not convinced, Dracula let it slide, for now.

Dracula And Anna: Finding The truthWhere stories live. Discover now