Ch 19: Corey Neumic

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'Do as you will, Anna, but remember that no one knows about you-know-what.' Anna nodded, but didn't like the idea, when was he going to tell them, if at all?

'Are you going to tell them?'

'You'll have to wait and see,' Dracula said, then gave Anna a gentle kiss on her temple, getting up, he left her to herself. Thinking it best not to be alone with so many vampires around, she went to find Rose and Lily, (more Rose than Lily).

Anna slipped along just outside the dance area, however as she moved, she couldn't help but look up at the balcony - the same balcony where she'd landed when Van Helsing had saved her so long ago, and from her recent memory - and saw Van Helsing standing there like a guard dog...

Beginning to feel uncomfortable at the thought that it might not have been a memory, she quickened her pace without hastening – or at least appearing to – and when she got to where she was going, she discovered only Lily.

'Where's Rose?' she asked, curious and concerned. Lily motioned with her head, since pointing was rude, to somewhere out on the dance floor. At first, Anna couldn't tell what she was pointing at, that was until she spotted the red dress amongst the crowd, sticking out almost like a beacon. Rose was dancing with Dracula, or more it was Dracula dancing with Rose since he was leading.

'The Master always dances with all his brides; you were always the first he danced with.' Anna turned to look at Lily, her tone hadn't been bitter, or harsh, as she had half expected, instead it was happy, if not excited. Perhaps it was just because they were in a ballroom, at a ball, that made her act this way, either that, or she had truly changed.

Whether or not she had changed was beside the point, Anna knew as well as Dracula, and his brides, that although trust could take years to form, it could be shattered in moments.

Although Anna stood rather still, she couldn't help but be nervous, and it took her a few moments to realise that she was staring at Van Helsing. Without drawing attention to herself, Anna looked away and back to the dance floor, where she then found herself staring at Dracula. She found this a better option, why she wasn't sure, she figured it was just because she was viewed as a "Bride of Dracula". Yes, perhaps that was it...

After a while Anna found herself, standing with Rose, drinking from a golden-coloured goblet (was it made of gold?), a dragon twined around the stand, its tail at the bottom, its head near the drinking part, which was made of clear glass, with Dracula's insignia – a misty white - on one side, above the head of the dragon. In it was a red liquid, which Anna knew was blood. She had been making herself drink only when she really had to, never any more than that, however, the smell of it was making it hard for Anna to resist.

And so she took a sip...

'Lady Anna,' came a very thick and strong Transylvanian accent, somewhere from behind, to her right. She turned around far enough to see a young man. He had short brown hair, and bright green eyes, his skin was darker than the others. It was obvious to Anna that he was a vampire, she couldn't explain how, it was just a feeling. Somehow she could tell the difference between the different kinds of creatures that were in the room, which were mainly vampires, several werewolves, and some humans, who were most likely Dracula's servants.

'Yes, I'm Lady Anna,' said Anna softly after she had lowered her goblet, 'and you are?' He raised an eyebrow at this.

'Do you not remember me, Lady Anna?' Anna swore inwardly, she should have thought before she'd spoken, and most of all, she shouldn't have been alone...

'Hang on,' thought Anna, 'wasn't Rose with me a moment ago?' Looking around in a subtle way, Anna found her across the room, with both, Lily and Dracula; they seemed to be enjoying each other's company.

Anna had a sudden urge to join them...

'Lady Anna, don't you remember me?' Her attention was suddenly drawn back to him.

'No, should I have?' At that very moment, Anna realised her mistake. As soon as the words had passed her lips, his eyes became full of suspicion, and although he hid it quickly, Anna still saw it. 'Look I have to go,' added Anna, feeling anxious.

'Of course Lady, the name's Corey by the way, Corey Neumic.'

'Well, it's nice to have met you Mr Neumic, goodbye.' Anna turned and left him standing there. She knew she hadn't heard the last of him, and she was worried that she had just put the Count in a sticky situation. Thinking of the Count, she made her way around to him. When she was close enough, his attention was diverted to her.

'Well hello my dear,' he said, sounding rather calm and relaxed. He was laid back, and pleased to see her, she noted.

'May I sit here?' she asked, a hint of worry touching the edges of her voice. Her tone made the Count concerned, though he hid it well, except for his eyes.

'By all means, Anna,' he smiled, motioning for her to sit. Smiling back at him, Anna seated herself on his left. She moved close to him, close enough that her body was gently pressed against him. With a smile, he put his arm around Anna, and drew her closer, then closed his eyes. For some reason, Anna found that she didn't mind, he felt safe, his arm like a protective shield. Perhaps it was just because no one in that room would be foolish enough to tangle with the Count...

'Count,' she breathed near his ear, his only response was a, 'mm,' sound, indicating that he was listening. She paused a moment, as she realised that he had not said anything about her calling him "Count", pushing it to the back of her mind, she continued, 'do you know of someone called Corey Neumic?' Moving her head slightly - so that she could see his face - she noticed the tightness of his jaw, indicating that he had, 'Who is he, and how do I know him? He said I knew him.'

The Count's jaw was even tighter now. Having known Anna very well, he knew she wasn't about to give up. Sighing, he opened his eyes and looked at Anna, their faces rather close.

'You've met him only once before, so long ago,' he said quietly, those eyes of his meeting Anna's, 'I let him off with a warning, stating that if he did it again, there would be no more warnings,' he paused, turning away, 'but it seems he hasn't learnt his lesson.'

'What did he do?' Anna asked Dracula, her voice just as soft as his. He turned back to Anna.

'Let's just say, he wasn't very polite, and had upset you.' Anna decided to leave it there, for now...

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