Chapter 3

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This was third time in a month when me and Jai stood outside the Dean's office to receive the lecture on behavioral expectations. To be honest, I don't understand how questioning something is a bad behavior.   But like many , few of our teachers have a permanent notion about   of us being the black sheep.

Our Landscape Design teacher was old school. She was amazing with the subject but  often deviated from from the topic trying to school us morally. She had strong opinions how an individual should conduct themselves and I have always been on her radar for my looks. I do spend on my looks , my clothes and carry myself in a certain way. I make work hard and I party harder. I have an open mind and I do things which make me curious. Its one life and if I am not harming anyone, it should be no one's concern on who and what I am. I get attention, a lot. ANd I enjoy it , but that's my choice.

 She always had been passive aggressive towards me; commenting on my looks, my attitude , my choices. Some days, I let it go but sometimes it gets on my nerve. And today was such a day, and I questioned her hypocrisy; resulting in Jai butting in and we getting banned from her class for a week. I care a damn, but I do care by attendance. I don't want to barred from appearing from exams.  

''Next time, just ignore something you don't agree upon.'' Jai said rubbing his face all bored.

''Why did you jump in?''

''to save your ass.''

''Next time, don't butt in. I can save my head.''

''I know, but I was as well bored sitting through the lecture.'' He said stretching his arms wide. We stared at each other before the giggle escaped our mouth. The door to Dean's office opened and he stared at us disappointed. ''You 2, not again.'' Col Singh was a retired Army officer and an amazing person. His discipline he bought in to the institute was  amazing. REDWOOD had always been great but after Col. Singh, it had been making history . We pressed our lips as our Dean gestured us to move in. We nodded like good kids stepping in as he closed the door behind us.


''No, he is not with me. Yes, I will.'' Jai spoke over he phone, his face irritated with the constant ranting. I knew it was Ruby , she had been trying to catch hold of me for sometime and I have been able to dodge her successfully. But I know I won't be able for long.

''Who the hell gave my number to this irritating female.'' Jai screamed irritated

''You know how resourceful she can get in order to get something.'' I replied flipping the page.

''Look, she is not getting it. You need to be more clear in putting the message through.''

I nodded, but the problem was Ruby had a selective hearing; she heard and understood what she wanted and ignored all. She had been getting on  my nerves and now many believed that she was my girlfriend. I had to solve this and soon.


Our campus supported he green initiative . Hence , we could commute between the building only via environmental friendly bikes or buses. 

It had been a month since I last saw Sanjana. She being from different course was one reason. But I won't deny that I was curious about her. Why? I had no answer to that. Guess we all have certain people whom we like or hate for no reason. I disliked Ruby for a reason and but somehow I liked Sanajna for no reason.

I stood at near the main Campus building with Jai and few of my other classmates. Ruby and her minions stood at a distance; yes, that's what Jai called her friends. She kept flipping her hair trying to look cute but I decided to ignore her.

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