Chapter 24

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I had been so determined to teach Rishi a lesson that I forgot I was dealing with a bad boy. I did embarrass him and one or two occasions but the naive me underestimated him. He turned tables on me a week later. Since then, I have been on my toes.

Rishi has started to ambush me unexpectedly, and all I can do is open and close my mouth like a fish. Two days back, he surprised me in a crowded elevator while I was out to meet a client. I pretended not to see him, and he made sure that I knew he was there. Rishi took advantage of the crowded elevator, caressing my hand with his fingers. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my veins. I heard him chuckle, I so wanted to stomp on his foot but my nervousness got better of me. After my meeting, I decided to take stairs down from the tenth floor scared he might lock me in the elevator along with him.

Over the weekend, I and Pooja decided to go out for dinner. She had been doing back to back assignments and for that she had starved herself to look her best. She had a gap for a month and we decided to splurge .

We had been saving for sometime to eat at his posh upscale restaurant owned by a celebrity. We put our best outfit on, hired a luxury cab and sang our way to the restaurant. We were being directed to our table and we kept looking around to if a celebrity was dining there at the same time as ours.

''What language is this?'' Pooja asked. I too kept blinking at the names of all dishes in the menu.

''Should we google?'' Pooja whispered

''Let's speak to the server.'' I suggested. We now regretted coming here. We were still contemplating when a server came and placed 2 starters and a soft drinks on our table. ''Enjoy your food.''

''But we are yet to order.''

'' I am sorry for the confusion but would you please repeat your names.'' We did and he smiled wide. ''this Is the order is for you.'' With that he walked off.

We took a sip and immediately transported to heaven . ''This is just mint lime , and these starters are baked vegetables and tofu. Why compliment names?'' Pooja scrunched her nose.

''What should we order for main course?''

''Lets order something weird from the vegetable section to be on safer side.'' We did and ended up having pasta. We were still contemplating on dessert when two cups of Sundaes were being served.

We stared at the server and he smiled. ''Here, a letter from your friend.'' With that he walked off. I smiled at the contents

'I ordered because I know what you will like but I am not footing the bill till you accept my date.'

'''Was Rishi aware we are dining here?'' I asked

''Yes, the way he keeps fluttering around you, I am sure he knows your timetable.''

''If he knew what we will like why couldn't he pay the bill.''

''So you wouldn't feel bad if he paid for you?'' Pooja asked

''Why should I? We all love free stuff. Plus bad boy owes me 2 years of disappearance. '' I said licking my dessert spoon all clean. Pooja burst out laughing.

After clearing the bill, we stepped out taking in the humid wind. ''Are you satisfied with the food?'' I asked

We started at each other and shook our heads in one go. Food for us meant spices and feeling of Indian cuisine. We decided to do end our day with with some Maggi loaded with vegetables and some butter.


I jolted out of the bed realizing I was going to be late again. Monday's are horrible and I hate them to the core. Somehow, I managed to put on something and then get a taxi to office, Meera was going to kill me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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