Chapter 21

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I was greeted by my mother's acquaintances as if I was there long lost relative. My mother, holds lot of power over this industry. She had given industry best models, and she was known for protecting them.

Sameer aka Sam was a leading and most hot headed designer currently but he was a maniac, she enjoyed inflicting torture on new girls . he was powerful , and he made sure all knew of that. But there was an exception, my mother . She every well knew how to tie the noose around Sam's neck.

''You have turned juicy.'' Sam commented dramatically moving his manicured hands, and I just smiled. No, he is not a gay, but pretends as he believes gay designers are more successful. ''Hi Roma!'' He hugged my mother in air. Mom just rolled her eyes.

''What is this bad boy doing here?'' Sam asked slapping my butt and I wanted to rip his head off.

Mom's eyes calmed me. ''Rishi is your show stopped for today's show.'' Sam squealed like an excited girl and I wanted to puke. But mom's next words killed his excitement. ''I am giving you three of my trainees, Rishi here will keep an eyes that you don't treat them wrong.'' Sam gave a fake smile and mom walked to the door calling the models in.

''Pooja!'' That's all I could say and then I hugged her tight. She had lost weight, well that's the requirement of this profession. She hugged me back but after a minute she just stepped back.

''Hey, its me Rishi!''

''I know, the Rishi who ran away.'' With that she walked off joining the other 2 girls who were with the choreographer practicing their walk for the show in the evening. Her words stung deep, I wish I could explain what state I was in when I heard of her engagement.


The fashion show was to showcase 3 leading designers of the country and it was a full show.  Sam was last and so was my turn. I wanted to check on those 3 girls, they were knew and people around can be brutal. 

I knocked and hen walked in and found the room full of chaos, the models who walk the stage look strong and in control but in reality, they are just the puppet in hands of their managers, agencies and designers. I met the girls and then walked to Pooja, she had her make done and sat with her head hing low. I could feel her fear from distance and decided to comfort her. Standing behind her , I gently squeezed her shoulders from behind. ''hey buddy.''

She looked up but said nothing , her silence spoke a million words of her pain. I walked to face her, ''How much is pending that you have to pay your parents.''

''A lot.'' that came soft

''You will be able to repay them. Don't worry.'' After a moment I asked, ''Its your first show, are you excited?''

''Don't know!''

''Okay, let me rephrase it, are you excited that I am back?''

''Why did you leave? Why didn't you give her a chance?''

That sentence piqued my interest. ''DId she no engaged?''

Pooja watched me for a long moment and then her name was being called out. ''Dress up, you are next.'' She left hanging me with my thoughts and a hope flickering in the corner of my heart. 


My name was called out and walked out with a leather trouser paired with an open blazer, my hair gelled back. I walked till the end and waited for the photographers to click the pictures, walking back I waited at the entrance as all models walked in from either side and stood at different positions. Sam walked in dressed horrendously waving and throwing kisses at the audience. He took my arm and I walked along with a fake smile plastered on my lips. We stood their as final pictures were being clicked , I looked around smiled at few known faces and then at my mother. My eyes moved around and then moved back, and froze.

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