Chapter 20

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''I am fine dad!'' My voice came dull. He expressed his doubts, ''Dad, I am tired. Its Friday and I have been working 9 hrs per day for 5 days a week.'' I tried to calm his nerves. But he is my father, he knew my mood was off. I had a rough week and realized the dreams of making good after college isn't an easy road. People are really rough on interns and new joiners. Since I have joined, all I have done is run around , pass messages, do some xerox and take notes. I thought I would get few marketing or PR assignment but here I was working as a peon.

''I am home.'' Pooja called out shutting the door behind her. I smiled at her but she was quick in reading my expressions. ''Le's go out for a movie , then dinner and we can loiter around. Anyways tomorrow is Saturday and we can sleep the whole day.'' I smiled

''Hey Sanjana, its like this for all of us. They will test you till you break, you know how cut throat Marketing and PR can be, you need to have patience. The day they realize you are tough cookie, you will take a flight.'' I finally smiled

''So what movie should we go for?'' I asked

''There is a new horror movie. Game for it.'' We hified and decided to book 9 PM show post the dinner. 


After enjoying the breeze at the beach, we stuffed ourselves with all kinds of street food and when we could no longer move, we decided to crash in the theater. The movie was more like a disaster . It didn't scare us, but to kill our boredom we did make few people jump around us. Once I screamed pretending to be scared and the popcorn for he man next to me tub went flying in air. Pooja, warned me against anymore pranks and I sunk low in my seat bored to the core. 

Once the movie ended, I stretched my body to get rid of tired knots. We were picking our things when I caught a familiar figure . He had his back to me but I felt I knew him, a smile stretched over my lips and some relief settled in my heart. I wanted to go and touch his shoulder but then a female figure joined him, her arms around him. He had his arm wrapped around her thin waist. No, this can't be him and I didn't wanted it to be him.  Quickly moving my eyes off him, I took a deep breath. A small fear still lingered in the corner of my heart that it could be him , and he has moved on. Shaking my head I tried getting rid of the thought, I don't know what I will do if he ever moved on from me. May be , I will go back giving up all my dreams and live the common life. My doubts wanted me to look again but I decided against it. I wanted to hope and keep it alive till I meet Rishi again


We crashed as soon as we reached home, weekends were all about cleaning and laundry. And we usually took a mini bath while doing our laundry. ''Hey, how is your training going?'' I asked Pooja.

''Its damn tough, If Roma mam gets to know about my friday street party she will kill me. I have to go for a run.''

''You barely eat. What will one day do?''

''I don't want to lose this opportunity Sanjana. I have to return all that those people spend on me in name of being my parents. They never failed to remind  me how thankless I have been.'' Her voice had so much pain that I  felt the need to hug her and I did. ''Can I join you for run?''

Pooja gave me a mischievous glint, ''Someone is preparing for reconciliation , a romantic and a sexy one.''

I just lowered my head. ''I am scared Pooja, what if he has moved one. He couldn't trust me then.''

Pooja hugged me tight. ''If that had been a case, Roma mam would have told me for sure. Pls don't lose hope.'' I smiled. She got ready and I decided to join her for her run. Suddenly the feeling of meeting him as new and sexy Sanjana was exciting.

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