Chapter 8

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I wasn't much into dramatics or theater but good performances could
easily get me hooked. Today, my reason to be here was different. It was Sanjana's first on stage performance, and I wanted to be here for her. Even if her role was miniscule, as a friend I wanted to be there.

''Second row from the front, the 2 corner seats are ours.'' Jay said.

''You're staying?'' That surprised me. He grinned at me, ''I am going to write a book on your story and earn money. I have to be there.''

That was the worst reason he could come with. Jay is pathetic with
words, and to put them on paper is an absolute struggle for him. He always did well in other subjects but language was never his cup of tea.

We took our seats and I anxiously waited for the curtains to go up.
''What role is Sanjana playing.''


Jay stared at me as if I was going to disappear. He then bobbed his
head like an anime and said, ''Love....!'' I decided to stay quiet. Giving him more was like fueling a fart gun.

The curtains went up and the story started. The play was about a girl
with a pure heart. SHe loved and cared but in the end she was betrayed
by the ones whom she trusted and how it ended for them. The drama was
poietic with minimum words. The scene where the girl gets stabbed and
lays on the earth waiting for death, she pleads mother nature to give her life where she could stay alone forever. A place where emotions do not exist.  A place where there are no bonds.

She cries and narrates how the stab is less painful than the betrayal she got from the hands of the ones she loved and then all turns dark.

In the next scene, the people who betrayed her are shown trying to
find the way out of the woods where they murdered the protagonist but
seem to lose their way every time.  The scene slowly shifts when one of the tired accomplice sits under a tree to rest and sudden strong wind throws him to the ground with a heavy branch falling on him killing him.

Well it looked as if mother nature heard her prayer but the way Sanjana fell dead on the villian made the audience laugh. I am sure she cursed her costume and her role.

The rest of the play was all about how
mother nature  avenged the girl who called for her. Pooja who acted as
the protagonist was just awesome, her tears and prayers just moved all
of us. It was small but a good play. When the curtain went down, the
audience cheered for all and I did for Sanjana.

We waited for our friends and when my eyes met that of Sanjana, I couldn't help but smile. ''I know I was pathetic but it was all Pooja's fault. Man she acted so well that I wished I was casted as a
magical tree which could throttle the villains.'' Pooja gave her friend a bear hug.

''Why did you chose dramatics?'' I asked. She was actually pathetic.

''I hate extra curriculars. Be it anything. Why I chose this, well because Pooja did.''

Jay extended his hand for a handshake, Sanjana gave in after a frown.
''You are like me, anything for a friend.''

Jay and Pooja walked ahead and I walked along Sanjana. ''Was I that bad?''

''You were a tree with Kungfu''

''Why were you here? You knew I was going to be bad.''

''I am your friend, good bad ugly, I will be there. But I praise your effort.'' My words halted her steps. She stood facing me, her eyes locked with mine. Don't know what she searched or what she wanted to say but other than the breeze and silence nothing else could be heard.

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