Chapter 6

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Kunal using Sanjana against me was now pissing me off. She is a nice girl and I know what Kunal's intentions were, this isn't the first time he is manipulating someone gullible but this time , I was it's someone I have started caring for . Shaking my head, I walked back into the room where my dear friend was enjoying formula one; and that gave me an idea. Kunal has been painting me as the worst human and I am exactly going to do that


It was a regular day and we were enjoying a free classroom as our professor was out on a sick day. Jay rushed to me , leaning further he smiled. ''Boss, the commotion is on and campus security is looking for the culprit.'' We stared at each other and then smiled. ''They are never going to find them.'' I whispered as we grinned.

Jay gestured and I followed him out of the room. We leaned on the railing watching the commotion on the ground floor. The Campus security chief nodded at every statement made by a very hysterical Kunal, he explained all he could with reference to his precious car. He moved his hands in comical gesture as his friend offered him water.

Kunal covered his face with his palm as he cried a bit. His eyes moved and he noticed me, I just stood there like others with a blank expression on my face but he screamed. ''I know this is you.'' He pointed towards me bringing all attention on me. I just stood there unfazed as people around him tried to calm him down. The Security Chief looked at me once and gestured I move away and I did that.

Yes, it was me who got his precious car towed and then got it thrown into a valley. All that was found later were just junk.

''I have never had so much fun in my life.'' Jay did a little dance next to me. I just smiled. ''Let's go back to our lecture.''

The commotion ended as Kunal was given certain anti-depressant and advised to rest. As our classes concluded, we made our way to our accommodation. I had practice late in the evening for upcoming sports event and I wanted a break before joining my team for practice.

''I know it's you!'' A voice halted my steps. I smiled gesturing Jay to leave. Turning around I stood facing one person I liked a little too much. I smiled at her and her ears turned red. ''I know it's you admit it.''

''Prove it.'' I replied and she blinked. I took a step closer , leaned to her face level. ''PROVE.IT.SANJANA"

She stood with her fist clenched hard, her ears steaming in anger. ''I will, and soon.'' She replied with a hint of warning. I wish she could see she was trusting the wrong man.

Taking a deep breath, I smiled. ''Prove it and then blame me.'' With that I made a U turn walking away from the girl I have been crushing on for months.

Sanjana kept my thoughts busy and that trance broke with a ring from Jay. ''Go anywhere but not at our apartment.''


''Ruby is waiting there. You sports kit is with back gate security, take it and run.'' I felt agitated. This girl has made my life hell. I am controlling because she is a girl, but she seemed to take this as my weakness. I have to find a solution to his problem. The good part is, from security to my mates help me in escaping this girl. I took the back gate , changed in the guest room and made my way to my practice. We had many matches planned and I wanted our house to win the tournament

Our coach asked to do around 20 sprints around the huge ground. We started as our coach kept pushing us to pick up the pace. My eyes moved and I smiled, like many Sanajna sat in the audience area her books spread around her. She was so engrossed in her own world that she didn't realize she shook all around me. I picked up the pace and slowed once I was close to where she sat, she had her ear phones on and kept scribbling on her note pad. The only thing that worried me was very close the filed .

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