Chapter 9

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It was the end of first year, we all had been excited about going home and meeting our family, so was I. After a year I would be meeting my family , I was excited to show them of my my achievements and experiences. Dad had come down to pick me and was staying in guest lodge. I gave one final look to my luggage and made my way to meet Pooja. I was going to miss her for next two weeks. 

''Pooja, pls message me when you reach your home.'' I said entering her room but found her siting next to the window with her earphones on. Smiling I removed them as she gave me a startled look. ''Are you not going home?'' I asked. Her face fell but she masked it, ''No one is waiting for me. I would be here when you come back. There are few girls who are staying back. You go and enjoy.''

That hurt, I often wondered why no one came in from her home or called but it wasn't my place to ask. I wouldn't do it, not even today. So, I decided something else. Pulling a small bag out, I dumped few of her clothes as my dear friend kept asking what was I doing. ''You are coming with me.''


''Yes, and no discussion. Take it as a vacation. I will show you around.'' 

''I don't want to impose.''

''You are not.'' She still seemed a little uncomfortable but I was able to convince her with little drama. ''I will be back in a 10 mins.''

''You are going to see Rishi.'' She asked and my heart flipped at his name. I just nodded running out leaving a giggling Pooja behind. I made to his dorm in half time. Pulling my phone out, I was about to call him and just then he walked out, dressed in denims , his hair combed back and eyes hidden behind the aviators. I took in all of him and yes I felt the music and wind around me. It was a magical experience to define in words. No wonder half the population of this campus swooned on him, but he liked me. That mere thought gave me a sudden pleasure, I smiled to self a little proud of the achievement to did nothing for.

''Swooning over me.'' He asked as he smiled down at me pulling me out of my dream world. U gave him by best bored look but he could see through my facade. ''I am going home and thought of meeting all my friends before leaving for my vacation.''

He smiled pushing his hands into his pocket, ''Okay, I believe you.'' And then silence. I cursed myself for being loss of words and them him for making me feel like that.

''Miss me.'' That came inaudible 

Rishi leaned further to my level, locked his eyes with mine and said. ''I will.'' I blinked. I thought I said that in my head , but he heard that. We stood their for sometime in silence watching each other , he did't touch me nor I did but felt like we touched one another in the most intimate way. I felt adored and I wanted to to breathe all of this moment. What I did next was bold for me to do. Taking a step, I gave him a small hug. ''Bye Rishi.'' I whispered taking in his scent, I felt him smile. He took a step back, cupped my cheeks and said, ''Take care and I will miss you.'' If I could, I would pen down the feelings I had in that moment. Rishi, had been an amazing friend to me. He had been there when I needed, he said he had a crush on me but he never pushed me  or made me uncomfortable. He was the bad boy I have started liking.

''I will drop you to your dorm.'' He said and we walked along to my dorm, silence stretching between us  . He took his leave smiling at me just like imaginary Rahul waved at Simran right out of her house. 

I shook my head , slapped my cheeks. I was going mad. May be break and distance will help in clearing my head. 

As expected, my family greeted me as if I had been on dangerous expedition, from which my chances of survival were null. I greeted all the females has they dabbed their eyes while all males blessed me. Pooja watched in awe and then fear as my family started feeding her . She requested for help but I refused. My eyes were looking for my favorite person , my Karan bhai.

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