Part 1

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A/N: Here's another rewrite/inspired by fic. Thank you elirwen for giving me permission to write this, and so far it's been a lot of fun to write! Thank you!

I hope to write for fics like this!
The chapters will be short, but some chapter might have multiple scenes depending on how far along I am with editing and writing them.
Enjoy Xx

Gwen burst through his chamber's doors, she was heaving, severely out of breath. She had to hold onto the door to keep herself up. The air filling with the pheromones of distressed, scared beta immediately putting Arthur on high alert.

"Guinevere? What's wrong?" Arthur said, abandoning the papers on his desk and rushing to her side. As soon as he put his hand on her back, she suddenly gulped down a huge breath of air and faced him with tears running down her face and eyes wide in fear.

"They... He... Took... Mer..." she tried saying but her rapid breathing making it hard. Arthur rubbed her back up and down trying to calm her, his own fear rising rapidly, "Merlin..."


"What do you mean Merlin? What's happened!? Has something-"

"Guards... Lady Catrina accused... accused Merlin of magic. He's been sent to the dungeons." Her words cut something deep inside Arthur, opening an entrance into his worst nightmare and making it reality. Leaving Gwen behind, Arthur ran. He wanted to see Merlin, make sure he was safe, as safe as he can be in the dungeons. But as he ran his anger grow and he didn't want Merlin seeing him like when Merlin would already be in a panicked state as it was. Instead, he, like Gwen had done to his doors, burst into the council room, a meeting currently in session. All but the king turned towards the enraged Alpha Prince and were stunned silent.

"Release Merlin this instant!" he yelled. He marched up to the long table and starred straight at his father at the other end of it.

"Arthur, I know you're fond of the boy, but he's been found guilty of sorcery. He'll be executed by morning," Uther said casually, uncaring of the pain he was aiding in within Arthur's heart.

"I'm not just fond of him as you so put it! He's my mate!" Arthur growled, his father was unmoved, not looking at Arthur, head down over maps and reports. "You have no proof!" Arthur thumped his fist into the table, goblets toppling over from the impact.

"I have a trustworthy witness, the boy attacked Lady Catrina with magic, he will be burnt for his crimes at dawn," Uther said finally looking up at his son, his gaze cold and uncaring. He then dared to try and go back to what they had been discussing before Arthur came in.

"You can't do this," Arthur shouted, cutting his father off, making his way around the table, unashamed of the tears of anger and betrayal falling from his eyes, "Merlin's innocent! He wouldn't attack someone, Merlin doesn't attack unless it's in self-defence," he yelled in his father's face, he wasn't going to let him hurt his mate and his unborn pup!

"Guards, escort the prince to his chambers," Uther said as if Arthur wasn't right there in front of him, "Make sure he doesn't leave them until after the execution." Arthur's hand was nearly on the hilt of his sword when he was grabbed, his arms getting restrained behind his back.

"She's lying to you! She's using you! You can't trust her! Father!" Arthur yelled as the guards dragged him from the council room.

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