Panic-Attack 🌧/☁️

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TW: Throwing up, blood, panic-attacks, and self harm (kind of)

Kokichis pov:

Kaito is so fucking cute oh my gosh. He's currently laying on my lap watching TV. His head is rested on my thighs and he also has a tight grip on my hand, occasionally squeezing it. We're watching some show that Kaito likes, I dunno the name of it. He suddenly gets up and says that he's gonna go use the bathroom, a bit shaky as he got up. I thought nothing of it since we had been sitting here for at least an hour. I grabbed a pillow and hugged it because I felt weird due to the lost contact.

I waited around 10 minutes and then started to get worried. I'm probobly just imaging it's been that long since I'm desperate for him to come back. I try to focus on the show instead of the time but that didn't work out so well. I checked the time on my phone and he's been in there for at least 15 minutes now. I stand up and start walking to the bathroom, planning to just knock until I hear muffled crying coming from inside. I sprint up to the door and quickly open it. It's a really good thing that it wasn't locked because the sound of the door rattling would send Kaito into more of a panic than me just bursting in real quick.

Kaitos pov:

Kokichi and I are cuddling on the couch watching Howls moving castle when I suddenly feel like I'm about to throw up. I get up, a bit wobbly and tell him I'm going to use the bathroom. I don't tell him I feel like I'm gonna throw up any second now because I wouldn't want him to worry. I speed walk to the bathroom, swiftly closing the door. I end up coughing blood into my hand. Oh god please not this again. I kneel over the toilet and throw up all sorts of unknown fluids mixed with pink blood.

After only a few minutes I'm crying while occasionally coughing up blood. It sends me into a panic when it doesn't stop. That's when I hear the door open.

Kokichis pov:

When I burst in I find Kaito sitting in the corner of the bathroom with a bit of pink blood on the sides of his face and hands, no lots on his hands. He's hyperventilating and crying while scratching his arms with his nails, drawing a bit of blood. I rush to kneel down next to my trembling boyfriend and slowly grip his shoulders. He still hasn't looked up at me since I entered. "Kaito." He doesn't respond so I try a bit more firmly "Kaito!" I say again and gently shake his shoulders. His head shoots up to look at me and he tenses up a bit. I take that as a sign to take my hands off his shoulders. "Kaito, shh it's okay, it's okay." I say trying to soothe him. He whimpers and scratches harder at his arms. I grab his hands which are still really bloody, but I could care less about that since I don't want him hurting himself. He always does that when panicking since he can't calm down. He looks at me with wide eyes seeming to just start to acknowledge me.

"Everything's gonna be okay, just listen to me." I tell him and he knods, or at least trys to. "Good, breathe in, slowly." He breathes in just as I tell him to, a bit shaky. "Now out. Your doing great honey." He let out a heavy breath, and we repeated around 30 times until his breathing returned to normal. He was doing fine until he rushed to the toilet and started to throw up blood again. I rushed over and pulled his hair back finding that the ends at the front were a bit stiff with blood. Once he finished I tried to help him not start hyperventilating again. He starts crying again, gripping his hair and pulling at it. I immediately grab his hands again, interlocking my fingers with his. "Don't hurt yourself. Please just try to calm down." He nodded and just kept steadily breathing.

Time skip brought to you by my laziness

In a few minutes he was completely calm and I asked him if he wanted a bath. He said yes so now I'm helping him wash the blood off of him. Mostly his arms. The room was silent apart from the occasional splashing, Kaito was holding a little rubber duck with a space hat on, when he said out of nowhere, "I don't wanna die." I had to think of a response for a minute before simply turning his head around and kissing him. He relaxed and cupped my cheek as I wrapped my arms around his figure. Right after our lips separated I hugged him and said "Don't worry I promise you won't. and if you even come close I'm doing everything I can to prevent it." He smiled kissed my cheek. "I love you so much." I smiled back. "I love you too."

I'm gonna start using bold italics for my authors notes in chapters, I really don't like typing all of the dashes plus this looks better! I tried to make a chapter focusing on kaitos physical state since I don't see many fanfictions talking about it. I'm sorry I didn't know how to end this chapter lol. Have an amazing day <3

This meme is so random omfg

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