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Tomorrow is the first day in my new school and I'm incredibly nervous, it's not easy as a new student, especially when you come in the middle of the Semester and if you are an intorvert and shy you have it even more harder than usual. I also don't understand why I had to change in the middle of the Semester but my whole situation is not easy at the moment.
After my Mother separated from my Father, she said that the best solution for us would be to travel to Korea. After all, my Mother grew up here and moved to Australia only for my father's sake, so I can understand her. It's difficult for me because I don't know the Korean language properly, but my Mother always says that the beginning is the hardest and that everything becomes more relaxed over time.
,,Felix, are you coming? We have to go'' I look up from my phone and stretch just before I go to my Mother. ,,Are you looking forward to it?'' I think my Mother is more excited than I am, at least that's how she behaves. I would lie if I said that I don't have a uncomfortable feeling in my stomach but on the other hand I am also curious and excited. I grab my suitcase and then walk with her to our car, today we have to go to the school, regarding the situation of my living condo. Here in Korea it seems normal to not live at home during school but in apartments near the school and today I would meet my roommate, all week long I was very nervous and now there is no turning back. The car ride was surprisingly quiet, usually my mother always talks me full until I feel like my ears bleed but I think she notices my nervousness and is therefore quiet to give me my rest.

When we arrived at the school, we were already greeted by the director, we already had a meeting with him last week and he showed me the school. ,,Good day Lee Kai" I greet the director and bow to him briefly, which he imitates me. ,,Are you looking forward to meeting your roommate?" I nod slowly, on the one hand I'm happy, on the other hand I'm very scared. Lee Kai wastes no time and leads me and my mother to my future small apartment, where he knocked on the door when we were in the building. My curiosity but also my nervousness increases more and more and after what feels like an eternity the door is finally beeing opened by a blond-haired boy ,,Hwang Hyunjin, this is Felix, your new roommate." Lee Kai introduces me to the boy in front of us. He looks like a prince from a fairytale; beautiful blonde hair, which is dyed but they are still beautiful and his head also has such a wonderful shape, whereby not only his head is beautiful, his whole appearance looks wonderful. I quickly shake my head to get back to reality and bow briefly in greeting and see how the boy imitates me.
,,So Felix, I'll go then, okay?" I look at my mother sadly, of course it's not okay that she leaves me alone but I have no other choice but to smile and hug her, we'll see each other again soon anyway. I say goodbye to my mother and Lee Kai, who also wants to leave directly, which is why I am now standing a bit awkwardly outside in the hallway with my suitcase next to me.

"Don't you want to come in?" asks the blond-haired boy and I quickly scratch the back of my head. ,,Um, yes" he opens the door properly and steps backwards so that I could enter. The apartment looks big and .. messy. There are things lying around everywhere, especially clothes.

,,I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't come until tomorrow." he apologizes. I smile at him briefly, it was planned to come tomorrow but Lee kai said it would be better if I met my roommate the day before School so he could help me a bit tomorrow. ,,All good" I say uncertainly. I already understand a lot of Korean, only speaking still causes me problems and Hwang Hyunjin seems to notice this. ,,Come with me, I'll show you your room" he says with a smile and walks forward, still a little awkwardly I walk after him to my new room. In contrast to the apartment, the room looks beautiful and clean, especially very bright which I personally like. ,,You can put your clothes in this closet" he says as he walks to a closet. ,,Thank you, Hwang Hyunjin" I thank him shyly. ,,You can call me Hyunjin, like all my friends do" he smiles at me and I give him a slight smile back. ,,You're not from Korea, is this right?" he looks at me and I nod. ,,I'm from Australia" Hyunjin nods and then suddenly talks to me in English, I didn't think his English sounded so fluent and good. ,,I was in Los Angeles for a few years" he explains, which is why it all makes sense now. ,,oh nice, Los Angeles is beautiful" I answer him when suddenly his phone starts ringing. ,,Oh sorry, I have to pick up. Settle in and if you're looking for me, I'm in the room next door'' he says as he leaves my room. I look after him and then sit down on my soft bed to take a deep breath. So here I live for the next two years. I think to myself and take another quick look around my room before I start unpacking my things. For the beginning I only took the bare necessities from home, the rest of my things will my mother bring me in the next few days, which is why I was already done with the unpacking and tidying up after a very short time. since I have nothing to do anyway, I look at the apartment in peace, the room door of Hyunjin is closed and I hear him talking very quietly, which is why I walk past the door and get into the kitchen. In contrast to the living room, the kitchen looks very clean, also the bathroom I find clean which is why I suspect that it is actually not so messy here and he just really didn'tt know that I would come today. Since the apartment is not abnormally large, I'm done looking around after a few minutes and get back to my room, where I lie down in my bed and pick up my phone to go on social media. I go to my Instagram account and go through my pictures a bit before I get on the follower list, I decided that as soon as I left my old school, I would unfollow everyone, I didn't really like anyone except my best friend anyway. To be honest, I was very happy to get away from this school, especially towards the end it became more and more exhausting for me to go to school because I was bullied quite a lot, but I move on with that and hope that the new school is better to me than my old one. ,,Felix, would you like something to eat?" I look up and see Hyunjin standing at my door. ,,Um, sure" I say while I get up from bed. ,,What are you in the mood for?" I'm actually not too hungry, which is why I don't like to eat warm. ,,Something simple is enough, do you have a yogurt?" he looks at me in in a weird way, but then opens the fridge and gives me a strawberry yogurt. ,,I need to go shopping again, I hope that's okay for now." I thank him and then grab the yogurt while Hyunjin hands me a spoon to eat.

I don't know why but since a few years I don't have a real feeling of hunger anymore, it doesn't even have a reason, I'm just very rarely hungry which is why I prefer to eat something simple. ,,I'll go out with my friends afterwards, would you like to come with me?" Hyunjin seeks the conversation to me because I'm not good at starting conversations and it's incredibly quiet. ,,Thank you but I'm kinda tired, I think I'll just make myself comfortable here. But thank you for the offer'' I don't want Hyunjin to think he's responsible for me or has to take me everywhere, he can spend time alone with his friends. ,,Okay, that's good too."

after dinner we clean things up and Hyunjin saysgoodbye to me, which is why I make myself comfortable on the couch and turn onthe TV to watch something. 

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