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There is nothing really exciting to see on the TV, which is why I end up just sitting on my phone and browsing through social media because I have nothing better to do anyway and when after a few hours when it got dark outside I decide to go to sleep. I grab short clothes and then disappear into the bathroom to take a shower before going to bed and when I lie down in my fresh bed, it doesn't take long until I close my eyes and fall asleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day and I should get enough sleep.


Annoyed and slowly, I open my eyes when I was woken up the next day by my phone alarm clock. I'm absolutely not a morning person and waking up or getting out of bed is always the most exhausting thing for me, especially when I know that I will be in a completely new school and class in a few hours. My stomach is already spinning and I feel sick because of my nervousness. I stretch briefly and then go to the bathroom because Hyunjin is probably still sleeping. I let the cool water flow down my warm body and enjoy the few minutes in the shower before I look at myself in the morror in front of me.

Directly I see the freckles under my eyes, which I hate so much since we are in Korea. I don't know what's wrong with them but since we're here I've been constantly getting weird looks and people always start whispering to each other when I walk by, which is why I've started covering them with makeup that nobody gets to see them. . Otherwise, however, I am actually very satisfied with myself and my body, I bleached my hair two weeks ago and slowly you can see my brown hair again at the base, my hair somehow grows incredibly fast, which bothers me but I can live with it.

After covering my freckles, I brush my teeth and do my hair before I walk back into the living room where I find a still very sleepy Hyunjin. ,,good mornng'' I say before I went back into my own bedroom – hyunjin hasn't said anything, looks like he is also not a morning person just like me. I pack my school bag briefly and then put it on my bed so I just have to put on my shoes to go. Since I still have a bit of time, I sit down at my desk and write my Mother a short message that everything is fine and I would like to talk to her on the phone in the evening if she has time. I really wanna to tell her about my first day at school.

,,Felix are you coming? We have to go to school'' Hyunjin shouts and so I jump up and walk into the living room. ,,I talked to my friends about you last night, they would like to meet you and you are invited to chill with us at school" Hyunjin smiles at me. To be honest, I'm very happy and grateful right now, so I don't have to be afraid to be alone or look like an outsider. ,,Oh thank you" we put on our shoes together and then leave our condo.

The way to school is not too far which is why we reach the area within a few minutes and immediately I feel the uncomfortable feeling of being stared at, I hate to be the center of attention and if I had a superpower then I wish I was invisible. With my head down, I walk next to Hyunjin so I don't have to see any other people.

after a few minutes Hyunjin says that there are his friends in front which is why I look up briefly and actually two boys come up to us. ,,Well, this is Lee Know, but you can tell him Minho and that's Changbin, or just Binnie" Hyunjin introduces me to his friends. ,,And this is Felix" laughs Hyunjin and immediately the two greet me friendly. His friends seem to be okay. ,,so you're the famous Felix from Australia, nice to have you here" Changbin says and I just smile at him – I'm really bad at making friends because of my shyness. But luckily there is not much more time to talk because the school bells are ringing. ,,Felix I saw on your timetable that you have the most lessons with Changbin, you have dancing with Minho and me and sports you have with me also like a few other lessons. You only have physics where you will be alone but you only have a double lesson on Wednesday, otherwise you are always with one of us'' says the blond-haired boy as we walk into the school building. ,,Okay that's great'' I say shyly and continue to look at the floor because the eyes on me now feel even more intense than outside on the area.

,,Come on Felix, our classroom is over there" we say goodbye to the other two and then go into the classroom while I just sit next to Changbin because he offered me a seat next to him. Changbin looks scary, he is very muscular and I think he could easily crush me with his muscles – but his voice reminds me of an angel. Which also reminds me a little bit of myself, I don't look scary at all, but I can have an incredibly deep voice if I want to.

but because I find Hyunjin already completely okay, I believe that his friends are also completely correct.

After the teacher has entered the room, the lessons begin after a short introductions from me. I hate nothing more than introductions, which is why I always keep them as short as possible. Most of the time only a 'Felix, 17 years old' comes out of me but in my opinion that's already enough, the teachers have never said anything about it so I guess it's enough. After the eyes of all the students were on me and now finally the lessons start I take out my textbook and open the page we need ..

I will probably release two chapters a week ( Except I have more time then I'll post maybe 3 and if I have less time maybe only one a week ) 

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