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,,you're coming?'' Changbin waits for me until I put all my school things in my backpack and get up too. ,,Let's go" together we walk to the cafeteria and Changbin put his arm over my shoulder, I don't know why but that gives me an incredible amount of security and safety and I think exactly that was Changbin's plan. arrived in the cafeteria, we find Hyunjin and Minho pretty quickly - and to my surprise there are four other people at our table and when we got closer, I also recognized Jisung. ,,Hi'' said Changbin when we get to them and I just look around confused between the two groups of friends. ,,I apologized to Jisung for everything" Hyunjin answers my questioning look and I start to smile slightly. ,,That's nice" I say happily. ,,Would you like to sit down here with us?" Changbin sits down at the table and the other four immediately nod - I walk around the table and sit next to Hyunjin as usual. ,,By the way, these are Seungmin, Yeongin and Bangchan" Jisung introduces his friends to me. I remember the Name Bngchan from earlier when Changbin told me about him, so this is Bangchan! ,,Hi, I'm Felix" I say, slightly shy, and give the three new friends a smile. I watch as Jisung immediately sits down next to Minho and the two start talking to each other like crazy – I didn't even know they were friends or that they knew each other. Bangchan sits with Changbin while Seungmin and Yeongin split up and sit with Changbin and Bangchan. So many people at one table, I'm not used by that but at the other side I don't have a problem with that tho, I enjoy company and it's nice to find more friends.

,,How are you Lixie?'' I turn to Hyunjin and give him a small smile. ,,Changbin took good care of me! I'm feeling a lot better, even if my hands are still shaky and I'm sweating like crazy but I feel a lot better'' I laugh shyly. Hyunjin takes my hands in his hands and holds them tight. ,,I am proud of you that you came to school'' I smile slightly and feel how my face always feels warmer and I am certainly mutating into a tomato. ,,Cute'' says hyunjin and lets go of my hands to eat. Did he really just call me cute right now? I shake my head in confusion and start eating too.

,,Ohh look what we have here, the two school gays are sitting at the same table'' I suddenly hear someone shout mockingly, I don't look up and continue to eat, whereby my hands, which are shaking heavily again, don't really make it easy. ,,Don't you have anything better to do?" Jisung asks annoyed. I've always admired how confident he is, I would never dare to do that. ,,Nope, I don't have anything to do right now" laughs Timo mockingly. ,,I could offer you to suck my dick, then at least you can't get anything stupid out of your mouth" I look up and look shocked at Jisung, who only has a mischievous smile on his face. ,,I don't want to be a fag, how about Felix does it instead? I'm sure he likes it'' i roll my eyes,
To my left, I notice Hyunjin sitting up properly, so I slightly look at him. ,,Felix is ​​a good friend of mine, you don't do that among friends. But instead you might think normal if you get your brain fucked' I'm surprised at how bold Jisung is. Isn't he afraid at all? ,,You have a really big mouth there that you think that as a fag like you have the right to talk to me like that'' Timo takes another step towards our table and now Hyunjn jumps up. ,,You stay where you are now, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable for you. I warned you before'' Hyunjin crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks at Timo with a fierce look. ,,You have absolutely nothing to say to me, I'm disgusting enough that you can sit at the same table with people like that and they even are your friends. You must have had your brains blown out of your head that you think this is normal'' I somehow don't have a good feeling that this will end well. ,,I have more problems with people like you than Jisung and Lixie. Either you finally leave my friends alone or it will be uncomfortable'' Timo just laughs and tries to grab my arm, I didn't expect that, which is why I almost fell off the chair if Jisung hadn't pulled me straight onto the chair again. That's it, now there's no turning back.

I watch as Hyunjin pulls Timo's arm away from me and pushes him backwards. ,,Don't you touch Lixie" Timo looks at him angrily before he throws himself at Hyunjin and the two fall to the ground and are now beating each other on the cafeteria floor. I look anxiously at the others at the table as Changbin and Bangchan jump up and try to separate the two while the two keep hitting each other in the face or chest with their fists. My cheeks are getting wet, it's all my fault. It's my fault Hyunjin is lying there fighting. my fault.
more and more students gathers around the four and start laughing or just pointing the phone on them instead of helping Changbin and Bangchan. How selfish and stupid can people actually be? Jisung suddenly pulls me towards him and hugs me. ,,Everything's fine Felix, everything's going to be fine" he tries to calm me down, which only makes me start crying. ,,apart! IMMEDIATELY'' an adult finally intervenes, I look up and see two teachers entering the cafeteria and all the students stepping out of the way and retreating back to their tables. At some point, Bangchan also manages to tear Timo from Hyunjin. Hyun is big, but Timo is a lot stronger. ,,Both of you stop immediately'' the teacher intervenes again and stands between the two so that they cannot attack each other again. I look anxiously at Hyunjin, who has a bleeding nose and is also bleeding slightly from his mouth - Timo doesn't look much better. ,,What's going on here?" asks the teacher, waiting for an answer, neither of them seems to want to answer his question, which is why Bangchan takes over the whole thing. ,,Timo bothered two of our friends with stupid sayings and when he wanted to grab Felix by the arm, Hyunjin reacted and pushed him away and then the beating started.'' The teacher turns to our table. ,,Is that correct?'' he asks us and Jisung and me both nod quickly. ,,I understand. Still, fighting isn't the solution. Timo, I'd like to see you later at the director's. Now make sure that you get your wounds treated first'' hyunjin comes to the table and briefly brushes the dirt off his pants. Timo runs away angrily and everyone else is whispering to each other again. ,,How are you?'' I ask quietly, but I get no answer from Hyunjin. He grabs his backpack off the floor and disappears from the cafeteria - I look up at the others in confusion before I jump up without thinking and go after Hyunjin. After all, it's my fault.

I run after Hyunjin and catch up with him before he opens a first aid kit hanging on the walls. He takes out disinfectant and a cotton pad. ,,How are you?'' I ask again and now Hyunjin finally looks at me. ,,good. I'm fine as long as you're fine'' he gives me a slight smile, which quickly disappears and he pulls a painful face. ,,Oh Jinnie'' I say and take the things from his hand. First he looks at me confused, but then quickly understands that I just want to help him. We sit down on one of the benches and I start gently tapping his wounds with the disinfected cotton pad. I'm trying my best to be as gentle as possible, but according to Hyunjin's hiss, I know it must be causing him quite some pain.


i'm back !! Well, kinda ..

I had the time to write a bit on this story in my holidays and I missed you guys already but a lot happens at the Moment in my life so it could happen that I won't have the time or chance to upload something. I try my best but I can't promise anything - BUT that's a lot of talking for now, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

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