16 . the end

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Hyunjin and I have been together for 4 months now and I couldn't be happier, it feels like this has been the last step in my life to be happy here in Korea - to have a happy relationship.

When I moved to Korea 7 months ago, I didn't know what was to come and I was terrified of what might could happen. I could never have imagined that one day everything would change so positively.

I found an incredibly great group of friends who always stood by my side and were always there for me. Jisung gave me so much self-confidence that I now dare to defend myself when someone tries to make fun of me. Changbin and Minho became a really important part of my life and I hope I never have to live without them. I've also grown very fond of Bangchan, Seungmin and Yeongin, we often spend many hours together after school in Bangchan's studio and we've even set ourselves the goal of composing a song together one day.

And of course Hyunjin, my soulmate.
I don't know where I would be today without him, it's still so special for me to wake up next to him every morning or to walk down the school hallway holding hands with him. Somehow, almost everyone in school accepted us from the start since hyunjin told everyone we would be in a relationship together. Some of the students still makes fun of me or us but we just ignore it. Whenever there is a problem at school, Hyunjin helps me a lot to solve it.

My life has changed in the 7 months, and I am incredibly grateful for every day.

Grateful to have great friends, to have a mother who supports and loves me in everything and just grateful to be here.

I can't wait to see what the next few months will bring us...


Welp, this is it ..

I didn't plan on finishing this story so fast but I think it is the best, to end it now and today. I kinda lost the motivation to write on this story a long time ago but on the other hand I had so many ideas for this story and now it would be sad to destroy it with boring chapters just because I lost the motivation for it. 

i'm really sorry but I hope you guys enjoyed my story, even tho I ended it now so fast.

Thank you for everyone who always Voted on my Chapters, 
Thank you for putting this story in your reading-list's
Thank you for always commenting on my Story and of course

thank you for reading this Story.

Maybe I will upoload another story in the future and I will continue to be active here <3

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