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I don't leave my room until early in the morning, my eyes feel incredibly heavy and painful from crying so much yesterday, I'm sure they're swollen and red, I can't show up at school today like that, not even Makeup will help so I'll probably stay home today. I still have to get up because I urgently need to go to the toilet, which is why I got up from my comfortable bed and make my way to the bathroom, since the door is closed, I knock on it and Hyunjin said that he would be out soon, which is why I went to sit on the couch for a moment. My head hurts unbelievably and I feel tired, I hate crying because the next day is usually absolute hell. When Hyunjin comes out of the bathroom, I quickly pass him because I really need to go to the toilet.

,,How are you feeling?'' Hyunjin asks me as I sit down at the table for breakfast. ,,not good'' I grab a small bread and then eat it slowly. ,,Do you want to stay at home today?'' I nod at his question. Hyunjin shows understanding, probably because I really don't look good. ,,Why are you covering up your freckles?" he asks interested. I was too tired this morning to cover them up again, I'll be sitting at home all day, so no one will see me except for Hyunjin anyway. ,,I hate my freckles" except for my mother, nobody has ever told me that they likes my freckles, so I assume everyone hates them, which is why I started hating them too. ,,I think they look special, they suit you'' I look up at Hyunjin and turn my head slightly to the side. ,,Since I've been here in Korea, everyone looks at me weird because of my freckles'' Hyunjin laughs. ,,They just don't have taste. I think you look cute with your freckles'' he gives me a slight smile and I feel myself blushing slightly so I quickly look at the floor. ,,It's the first time in my 17 years that someone has said something like that to me, you're just saying it that I feel better" ,,No Felix, I really mean it. I like them on you, you can walk often around like this and if someone has a problem with you, I'll clarify it. I think your freckles suit you'' for the first time since yesterday I started to smile, maybe Hyunjin is telling the truth after all.

After the meal I help Hyunjin to clean up before he has to get ready for school. ,,and can I really leave you alone?'' I roll my eyes laughing. ,,I'm not 5 anymore" I reply and Hyunjin smiles. when he finally left, I go to the couch and turn on the TV and don't even notice how the hours fly by. Eventually I fell asleep while watching TV and only woke up when I heard someone open the door, so I wince and sit up quickly and see Hyunjin coming into the room. ,,Don't worry, it's just me'' he laughs and I rub my eyes. ,,I'm going to go shopping, would you like to come with me?" After a moment I nod and then get ready and after I've put on my make-up, I go outside with Hyunjin. He gave me a crooked look when I came out with my freckles covered with make-up, but he didn't say anything about it.

To get to the shop we have to take the bus, in fact I've never ridden a bus while I've been in Korea, so I'm a bit desperate when buying tickets, but Hyunjin sorted it out for me and then was good. We didn't have to drive long, I think it was about 30 minutes when we got out and after a short walk we see the shop.

I walk next to Hyunjin and watch what he throws into the basket. He said I should just pack what I want, but to be honest I'm perfectly fine with what Hyunjin throws in, I'm not fussy and I eat everything.

1 month later

It's been exactly a month now since I moved in with Hyunjin and started at the new school. Not much has happened in that time, except that I feel much safer and more comfortable and Hyunjin and I have become inseparable. Whatever it is, you usually see the two of us together, never alone. Hyunjin gives me an incredible amount of security and he kind of became a comfort person for me. Minho, Changbin and I also became best friends and it's so much fun to spend time with them. I also feel more comfortable at school, I've gotten used to the looks of others when they see me with Hyunjin, and I've also become more relaxed in my class . My classmates are correct and very helpful, I actually get along with everyone very well.

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