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The day Mo rode to Ombra dawned warm and sunny, as optimistic as Mo didn't feel. The looks Resa and Meggie had given him! He was just going to talk to Violante, nothing more. Her Kindliness had invited him to the castle, not entrusting the mail distributor to let her latest royal letter pass without taking a peek. Mo didn't know what she was going to tell him, and as his horse's hooves clomped along the packed dirt, an uneasy feeling began to grow in his stomach. As the turrets began to poke through the trees, Mo had convinced himself that the wariness he felt was Dustfinger's, and not his own.

The young guards at the castle gates kindly waved him through, not even bothering to search him for weapons. Yes, he was enjoying Violante's reign very much.

The first person he saw -- or heard, rather -- was Tullio. The small, furry man seemed to be in an argument with someone, and as Mo rounded the corner, he saw that that someone was Balbulus. The illuminator was red in the face, clutching a piece of parchment splotched with dark blue ink. "Why do you always blame me?" Tullio asked, somehow managing to sound indignant and respectful at the same time.

"Because you're always to blame!" Balbulus retorted, not bothering to sound respectful. His handless right arm thumped against Tullio's chest, and the furry man almost fell over.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, what is going on? I'm sure we can settle this with a minimal amount of injuries," Mo strode up to them, steadying Tullio and glancing at the papers in Balbulus's left hand.

"This furball got ink all over my latest work! I'll have to do it all again!" Tullio, who had gotten much more confident during Violante's reign, shrunk back, and Mo thought he heard an animal-like whimper.

"Well I am sure that Tullio will be more than happy to assist you. Isn't that right?" Tullio reluctantly nodded, acknowledging that he was still under the authority of others, but Balbulus did not feel at all grateful for the offer.

"And why would I want this clumsy fool helping me with something as delicate as this - or anything else, for that matter! The little imbecile can't even stack books well!"

Mo had just taken a deep breath, trying to think of the right words to calm everybody down, when a voice came down from a nearby staircase. "What is all this racket about?" the voice asked. The three men turned their heads to see Violante, in all her barely-five-foot glory, descending the stone steps.

Thank goodness, Mo hardly kept himself from saying out loud. "Your Kindliness," he said with a slight bow. "How good to see you."

"And you, Bluejay," she responded with a smile. Tullio and Balbulus had suddenly gone mute. They each bowed to Violante and slunk past her, presumably to settle their dispute elsewhere.

"Shall we?" Her Kindliness asked, gesturing up the staircase. Mo followed.

"So, what is your plan?" he asked when they had sat in Violante's study. She gave him a significant look and he glanced behind him, where a servant was preparing tea. Once she had left, Mo spoke again. "I thought your servants were loyal to you."

"They were. But with all this Devondria business, I have reason to believe she has sent a spy, and who better to spy on me then my own servants?" Mo nodded slowly, understanding.

"So, what is your plan?" he asked again.

"We'll get to that. But first, I need to know I have your loyalty."

"Of course," Mo said quickly. Violante was still so young. Though she was strong, she needed all the help she could get. She had helped him so much before anyway.

Violante nodded somberly, staring at the fabric of her dress. She looked exhausted. Her reign had just begun and already it was riddled with dangers and possibly false loyalties. Mo almost felt sorry for her. At least, he would have, had he not believed she could handle them.

"What can I do?" he asked.

"I only ask that you stand by my side should we have to fight." Mo nodded in agreement to this. "Also," and the way she said "also" made his heart race. "If Devondria has sent someone to spy on me, I will send someone to spy on her." So that was the catch. Mo couldn't say he was surprised, only sad. Sad that he'd have to leave his family, and its newest addition, once again. He would break his promise to Meggie and to Resa. The thought of it brought tears to his eyes. The Bluejay had almost been squeezed out of him, but now it was time for that side of him to return.

"Are you willing to do the things I have requested?" Her Kindliness asked, sounding more like a queen than he had ever heard her.

It took him a moment to answer, to weigh his options. If he did help, he would have to leave his home, but if he didn't help, there might not be a pleasant home to return to.

Finally, he said, "Yes, I am willing to do whatever it takes to protect Her Kindliness and her reign." As he spoke the words, he had the sinking feeling that things would not end particularly well.

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