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At first Farid thought he was hallucinating. Several days in a dark, cold, empty room will do that to you. He had been hearing things too: the crackle of flames, Meggie's voice, Soleil's laugh...

But this time it was real: the swish of fabric, soft footsteps on stone, and a gentle glow visible through the bars. Someone was out there. Someone had finally remembered he was down here. Farid was not exactly sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but he supposed he would inevitably find out. 

"Farid?" He knew that voice all too well. It was a voice he had hoped he would never have to hear again -- or at least if he did hear it, it would be only seconds before he silenced it for good. "Farid, I know you're in there, and before I come in, I would like to...I wish to apologize." A bitter laugh tried to squeeze out of his throat, but his vocal chords, weak from days of disuse, only allowed for a staccato exhale. 

There was a jangle of keys, a flicker of flames, and then she was inside, closing and locking the cell door behind her. "Farid," she breathed, and he wasn't sure what to make of those two syllables. He'd hated her, after what she'd done to him he'd hated her...but now he wasn't so sure. The way she said his name, painfully, full of regret -- maybe she really was sorry, maybe she had a reasonable explanation for her actions.

Farid kept his face still, his mouth shut, as Soleil crouched down before him. He pressed his back harder into the wall, digging his toes into the rough stone. His body was tense, prepared for the torture he had been expecting ever since he first woke up in this dungeon. Soleil was unpredictable, like fire itself: she could either bring comfort or destruction. And he was not sure which she would unleash this time.

"Do not look at me like that, Farid," she whispered, brushing her flame-calloused fingers along the healing burns on his cheek. "I really am sorry, you know. I never wanted to hurt you." Farid did not offer up a response. He sat still as a statue, silent and unflinching, as Soleil examined the hideous burns spattered along his arms and neck, inspecting the damage she had caused. You never wanted to hurt me? Then what do you call this?

"Farid, please. Say something." Weak and lightheaded from not eating in days, Farid slowly lifted his head from where it had fallen, looking her square in her emerald-green eyes. The flickering light from the lamp in her hand bounced off the gold flecks within her eyes, and Farid remembered how beautiful she had seemed when he first saw her. Before she had turned against him.

Taking several seconds to clear his throat, Farid finally croaked, "What do you want from me?" His voice was hoarse from lack of water, and his breaths were clipped and pained. 

"Oh, Farid," Soleil whispered, and he wished she would stop saying his name, wished that she would leave and never come back, that he could just fade away down here, alone and free of her grasp. "I only want you to be safe." He looked at her long and hard, waiting for her to elaborate, not having the energy to force himself to speak again. "Things are changing. You were in danger before, but now, thanks to me, you are on the winning side." Her smile was wide, maniacal in the dancing light.

Things are changing. What things? Was this about Devondria's feud with her stepdaughter? If he was safe, then what of Meggie, of Dustfinger, of Silvertongue? Resa, Roxane, the robbers? If only he could know what was going on above the surface of his stone prison.

"I must leave now, but I will be back tomorrow. There is a plate of food and some water there by the door." Soleil gathered up the keys in one hand, the lamp in the other. "I know you do not trust me now, Farid, but believe me when I say that all I have done is for you." Leaning forward, she placed a fleeting kiss upon his lips. 

Then she was gone, taking all the light and warmth with her. Taking all of Farid's hope and certainty with her.

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