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"Elinor, slow down. These damn knees of mine aren't the same as they used to be." Fenoglio paused to lean against a tree, bending over slowly to rub his bony knees. Fire-elves flitted around his ears, and he shooed them away with a flick of his veiny hand. 

"Quit your complaining, old man," Elinor called over her shoulder. "Don't let this old hag outpace you," she teased, shuffling across dirt and grass until she came upon the clearing where the robbers' camp lay, unusually quiet for this time of the morning. "Where the hell is everybody?" Elinor whispered, and Fenoglio, once he had caught up to her, wheezed a bit as his eyes, weak from endless reading and writing, took in the deserted camp before them.

"How odd," Fenoglio mumbled. At that moment Doria came stumbling out of a tent, a piece of paper clutched in his hand. On his face he wore the most perplexing expression, a mix of annoyance and fear. His eyes rested on the two visitors, and after a moment's hesitation, he ducked back into the tent.

"Hey!" Elinor called, a steely look of determination flashing across her face as she marched across the campgrounds. "I demand an explanation, young man! Where is my niece, where is Mortimer, and where is Meggie?" Turning to Fenoglio, she added, "Can't my damn family ever stay out of trouble?" Rolling her eyes, she peeled back the flap of the tent Doria had disappeared into and, without waiting for permission, entered. Fenoglio, muttering to himself, trudged after her.

The tent was cool and spacious. Usually reserved for the Strong Man and a few others, there were only three people inside when Elinor and Fenoglio came in: Doria was whispering to Roxane, and Jehan sat in the corner, scribbling in the dirt with a stick. "What is going on?" Elinor asked, meeting Roxane's stormy gaze. 

Rising to her feet and brushing her raven-black hair over her shoulder, Roxane said, "That is just what we were planning on figuring out." She held out the paper Doria had held moments ago. It was Meggie's handwriting. She had gone after Farid, but the note was more of a quick, heartfelt apology to Doria than a detailed explanation of her plan.

After a moment in which nobody moved, Roxane continued, with a hint of reluctance, "Would you care to join us?"


The men had taken all the horses with them when they departed, leaving the small party with the only option of walking. Fenoglio complained the whole way about his aching joints, and Elinor constantly commanded him to be quiet, saying that his babbling was giving her a headache. 

Roxane led the procession with the grace and strength of a woman whose husband was off at war for the umpteenth time, and Jehan skipped along beside her quietly. Doria brought up the rear, silently brooding, wondering what had become of Lazaro, and of course, his stubborn, brave Meggie. 

Ombra Castle loomed before them in a glorious arrangement of stone and towers, and the guards were quick to allow the familiar visitors through its gates. They were escorted to one of the many towers -- Fenoglio somehow restrained himself from whining about the long, winding staircases -- where they were greeted by Violante and the Black Prince, who had been previously engaged in intense strategical conversation. Fenoglio began to wonder aloud how they had gotten the Prince's bear up the narrow passageways, but the question died on his lips as Violante regarded her visitors with obvious annoyance.

"What are you all doing here? We are in the middle of preparing for war, you know that very well, don't you?" The Black Prince placed a gentle hand on her arm, and, though she flinched away from his touch, she took a deep breath and motioned for her visitor's to present themselves.

Releasing her son's hand, Roxane stepped away from the group and gave a small curtsy in Violante's direction. "Your Kindliness. I would like to know where my husband is." Violante began to speak, but Roxane cut her off with a sharp, disrespectful wave of her hand. "I know he is not here."

"And neither is Mortimer. Or his wife and children," Elinor chimed in.

The Black Prince rose from his seat, and the watery brown eyes of his bear followed his master's movements carefully. "I can assure you the Bluejay and the fire-eater are safe in their mission in Argenta --"

"Argenta! You sent them off to deal with Her Ruthlessness themselves?" Wagging a thin finger at Violante, Elinor cried, "You little bitch!" The guards at the door stepped eagerly forward, ready to protect their queen. Her Kindliness dismissed them with an impatient wave of her hand. Roxane stood stiffly at Elinor's side, her dark hair standing out against her pale, pale face. 

"They are well equipped to handle themselves, as I am sure you understand," Violante said. "You need not worry yourselves with the details of this war any longer. Everything is under control, I personally made sure of it." 

"What about Resa? What about her baby boy? No one has seen them!" Elinor's face was flushed and Fenoglio shrunk back as far as he could away from her. 

"And Meggie," Doria added. "She has vanished as well."

These disappearances were obviously news to Violante and the Black Prince, who exchanged worried glances with each other. It was the Prince who broke the silence, his smooth voice seeking to sooth the tension in the room. "I understand your concern, Elinor, Roxane, Doria," he began, looking at each of them in turn. "But we believe our plan to be a successful one, and your faith in our cause would make this fight all the easier." He held Roxane's gaze. "Your husband has been communicating with us frequently. All is well on his part, I assure you." Roxane made no indication that his words had even meant anything to her. "As to the whereabouts of your niece and her children, Elinor, we were unaware until now that any of them had left the camp. While there is the possibility of capture, we will approach the situation optimistically until anything different is confirmed. That and our support and protection is all I can promise you." 

He sat back down, and the bear rested his chin on his master's head, looking like a sort of comical hat. Not completely satisfied with the weak reassurance, Elinor sank into a chair as well. Fenoglio, following her lead, did the same, gratefully massaging his knees. Roxane remained frozen by the door, gripping her fidgety son's hand and staring at the polished floor. 

"Very well," Violante said. "If we are done here, you all may stay in the castle if you like or return home at your leisure. Now, excuse me, I have important business to attend to." The guards parted for her exit, one holding the door open for her. She paused in the doorway and turned back to face the room. Placing a hand on Roxane's shoulder, she said softly, "I will not allow anything to happen to your loved ones so long as I can help it." Her wise eyes sought first Roxane's gaze, then Fenoglio's, then Elinor's. Even giving a small smile to the boy clutching his mother's garments, Violante whispered, "Not ever again."

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