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He couldn't believe it. What was this kid doing in his free time? Dustfinger had never taught him any of that. Dark fire was something not even Sootbird had tried. It was something Dustfinger had brought back from the land of Death but never attempted. He didn't dare.

Yet Farid had produced in with ease. How? He had spent hardly a night with Death before Dustfinger had taken his place.

The girl. Dustfinger hadn't thought much of her insinuation into the robbers' camp. He had only assumed she was either still recovering or had nowhere else to go, or perhaps both. But he had not suspected her of such mischief.

Still, it didn't make sense. She had spent even less time with Death than Farid had. He had to confer with SIlvertongue. They would discuss it as soon as he told everyone of his deal with Violante. Or maybe before; Dustfinger doubted Silvertongue would be in any hurry to declare his new position as spy for Ombra.

Silvertongue was just exiting through the castle gates, and Dustfinger was there to meet him, Farid's ear still in his grasp. He gave Silvertongue a slight nod but did not release the boy. Silvertongue, accepting that he had better things to worry about than his daughter's "friend," led the two of them back to the camp, silent and deep in thought. Farid tried to look behind him several times, and Dustfinger could sense the girl following them at a safe distance.

All eyes fell on them as they entered the camp. Dustfinger saw the girl slink off to her tent, sparks clinging to her blood-red hair. "Bluejay, Fire-Dancer, welcome back," the Black Prince greeted them with an apprehensive smile. Silvertongue cringed at the name, realizing that the Prince had just settled what had been turning in his mind: the Bluejay was back and most likely here to stay.

Silvertongue weaved around the robbers and the various weapons and tools littering the ground and followed the Black Prince and his bear into their tent, where they had all had a meeting just a couple days ago. After making sure the boy had been embarrassed enough -- Meggie had given him a curious glance, and Doria had looked on with pleasure -- Dustfinger pulled the boy closer and whispered in his ear, which was turning pink, "We need to talk," and roughly released him. The Bluejay's shadow then followed its master into the tent, where the Black Prince sat with his chin cupped in his hands, waiting patiently for Silvertongue to break the tense silence.

"Silvertongue," Dustfinger said, speaking in one of these private meetings for only the second or third time. But it worked. Silvertongue snapped his eyes up from the ground where they had been blindly gazing, and met the eyes of the Prince.

"I spoke with Violante," he began. "She asks for our help in resisting Devondria's attempts to take over the kingdom. We have already agreed to give it to her."

"Of course. A wise decision, I believe," the Prince said, letting out a relieved sigh. Little did he know the bad news was coming.

"Also," Silvertongue said, and even the bear looked frightened to hear what he would say, just as Silvertongue had felt when Violante had said the word. "Violante has asked that I be her -- a spy, on Her Ruthlessness." The Prince's expression remained the same. He carried the sliver of hope that the Bluejay had denied this request. Then Silvertongue proclaimed that he had accepted the job and the Prince looked as frightened as his bear.

"But," he argued, "your family. They won't let you leave. You said so yourself."

"They cannot know," Silvertongue said, resigned, seeming to have just come to the conclusion in his mind.

"I'm sure they'll realize something's wrong when they don't hear from you several nights in a row. You and your wife have a baby to take care of. You can search for the spy here. I'll go to Argenta," the Prince stated defiantly, and Silvertongue looked hopeful for just one second before declaring, no offense intended, that the mission would not be successful that way, that the best thing to do was let him go and finish this war before it began. His family would be told that he was going to train with the other men at Ombra castle.

Silvertongue got up to leave, looking pale and weary. Dustfinger steadied him and gave him warmth from his fingertips. They sat before the fire and the wives came to join them. Roxane sat to Dustfinger's right and Resa to Silvertongue's left.

"What's wrong?" Dustfinger heard Resa ask, but he didn't listen to Silvertongue's response. He was busy thinking his own troubled thoughts. If Silvertongue was to go to Argenta, he wouldn't be the only one to leave his family behind. The Bluejay's shadow followed him everywhere, including to Death and back. This trip to the land of Her Ruthlessness would be no exception.

So tonight, he held Roxane close. The boy was on the other side of the fire, chatting with Soleil and and making little fiery mice for Jink to chase. He still had to talk with him. But Roxane leaned into his shoulder, and he decided the conversation could wait till morning.

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