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Mo was acting very strangely. He spoke to Resa, but his thoughts were obviously somewhere else. She didn't have to be Dustfinger to tell that Mo was worried about something. She just wished he would tell her what it was. Or did she?

Valor giggled in her lap, and she looked to where Jink was trying, in vain, to catch an elusive mouse made of flames. She couldn't help but chuckle also, happy to see her son happy. Happy to have him here, and to have his father here. Everything seemed perfect in this moment, but she knew it wouldn't last. It never did.

Mo kissed her hair, and she looked at him, at his tired face. What are you holding back? she wanted to ask, but she was afraid the answer would shatter this peaceful moment. If anything was really wrong, he would tell her. He would.

Just then, she felt Valor shift in her loose grasp. She looked down to see him considerably smaller than he had been just a moment before, and his bare feet seemed to be changing shape. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Springing to her feet, Resa gave a mumbled "excuse me" and walked quickly across the camp and into the Wayless Wood.

Feathers sprouted on Valor's soft, wrinkly skin, and his nose and mouth converged into a beak. Once he had fully transformed, Resa set him down gently on the ground, praying he wouldn't move. Her transformation was quick and relatively painless, and she wondered what it felt like for him. There really was no easy way to turn into a bird; it always involved some discomfort. Resa just hoped Valor had been able to handle it. He was Mo's son; of course he had.

She wished she would have been more prepared. Here they were, two lone swifts on the floor of the Wayless Wood, surrounding by myriad dangerous creatures who would love to have an early dinner. Not being able to speak in this form, Resa thought, Follow me, and hoped for the best. Sure enough, Valor, who had been pecking at the small insects creeping along the ground, looked up at the sound of her voice in his head.

Resa spread her wings and Valor did the same. This is easier than trying to command a human baby. Together, the swifts flew into the trees and perched on a branch, scattering bugs here and there. Valor, not in full control of the bird, tried to snag some in his beak.

We have enough food. We are not only birds. We are human. I love you. She sent all these thoughts to Valor, the last one because she didn't know if he understood how much she cared for him in human form. He didn't send any thoughts to her in reply, but he stopped his nipping and snuggled closer to her, his feathers ruffling softly and his head under her beak.

At least I have you. You won't leave me, right? Valor cooed a little in response, and Resa closed her small eyes. This wasn't as bad as she had anticipated. Now she felt less alone, which would be a helpful feeling in the days to come.

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