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Farid waited patiently outside the castle gates. The guards recognized him and knew he wasn't a threat, but, because of recent developments, they would not let him in. They wouldn't even let Dustfinger in.

That did not prevent the Bluejay's shadow from accompanying its master to his meeting, however.

Farid entertained himself by practicing those moves Soleil had taught him. The guards tried to stand stoically at their posts, but Farid noticed their wandering gazes. They were fascinated by his adept fire-spinning. After seeing Sootbird perform for the court for so long, this genuine talent was a refreshing change.

"How's this, fellas?" he called out, this new fire still making him feel reckless. He sent the fire straight at them in quick, fiery snakes. The men tried to stand their ground, but as the serpents came closer, a few of them jumped or tried to stomp out the flames.

Farid only laughed.

Then suddenly, orange and red hawks swooped down from the sky and grasped the snakes in their talons. They carried their prey away, leaving behind a trail of smoke and a very confused Farid.

Spinning around, Farid caught a glimpse of red. Both hair and flames, disappearing between the trees. He was supposed to be watching carefully for Dustfinger's signal telling him whether Silvertongue was safe or not. Temptation got the better of him, however, and he found himself leaving the guards behind, wondering expressions on their faces, and ducking into the forest.

The wisp of crimson was just a few feet away. He lunged forward in an attempt to grab it, but it eluded his grasp and plunged deeper into the woods. He dodged branches and fairies as he weaved through the Wayless Wood, but the sliver of scarlet was always just out of his reach.

Still, something pushed him onward.

It became darker and darker the deeper he went into the forest, and he threw sparks at his feet as he ran to aid his vision. He burst into a clearing, his gaze frantically swiveling around, but he was alone in the open space. No more red.

"Ah-hah!" Warm hands were pressed over his eyes and he spun around, knife in one hand, bright flames in the other, ready to defend himself. The hands were removed and he came face-to-face with Soleil.

"Do you really want to fight this battle?" she asked with a smirk on her face, and Farid couldn't help but smile smugly back.

"You don't think I can win?" he shot back, tucking the knife back into his belt so he could fill both hands with flames.

"Let's find out, shall we?" Before Soleil had finished speaking, she shot out a jet of red. Not even a hot fire. She was teasing him.

And Farid was having none of it. He threw a ball of blue flames, not giving her a chance to warm up. She was still able to absorb it into her hands and shoot it right back at him with ease. He hadn't practiced enough with receiving such hot flames yet, and he didn't want to risk trying to catch them, so he dodged the fire and whispered the new words Soleil had taught him, adding some of the things he already knew. He didn't fully understand what he was saying, but it felt right.

The black flames grew and grew until his palms felt like they were burning. He was sure that when he let go of the fire, there would still be flames clinging to his hands, and not the good kind. But it was worth it.

Soleil was busy creating a weapon of her own. It looked like she was holding the sun in her hands. This should be interesting.

At the same time, Soleil and Farid released their balls of fire that would have been deadly to any normal person, but, even though they would still most definitely hurt, were mere bee stings to them.

The infernos collided in mid-air, and Farid expected them to die there. But, before he could join in Soleil's relieved cheering, there was a loud explosion. The pressure knocked him and Soleil onto their backs. Surprisingly, she began to laugh. Once he regained the air in his lungs, Farid joined her, glad that they hadn't actually harmed themselves, or anyone else, in their friendly competition.

The breath was stolen from Farid's lungs again as he was yanked upwards by the back of his shirt. "What are you doing?" a voice hissed in his ear, simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar. It was Dustfinger, unusually livid that Farid wasn't where he was supposed to be.

"What happened? Is Silvertongue all right?" Farid asked timidly, rubbing the back of his neck. Soleil stood off to the side, her head down and her hands clasped, doing a very good job of pretending to be ashamed.

"I apologize, Dustfinger. I didn't realize he had a previous duty to attend to." She sounded sincere, and Farid prayed Dustfinger believed her.

"Apparently he didn't realize it either," Dustfinger whispered fiercely. Farid had never seen him so agitated. He couldn't guess what had upset him so. "What were you trying to do, ignite the entire forest? Where did you learn that dark fire-dancing? If you can even call that 'dancing.'"

Farid glanced at Soleil, who had looked up at the mention of the shadowy flames Farid had somehow managed to create. He wasn't sure how he had done it either; it had just happened. But the strangest thing was...he kind of liked it. It made him feel more powerful than just the stuff Soleil had taught him. It was more than a few special parlor tricks.

Dustfinger didn't seem so happy about it. He grabbed Farid by the ear, gave Soleil a disapproving look, as if she had started a food fight and not a flame fight, and dragged Farid away, back to where Silvertongue was walking through the castle gates.

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