Chapter One

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My body was shaking, my nerves were tingling. What have I done??? Things will never be the same, he'll never love me again...

DING! The timer went off.

This is it. I took a deep breath.

I sank to the floor, tears falling down my face as I read the test. Positive.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Felicity, Felicity are you in there?" I heard my older sister ask.

"I'm fine, Chelsea!" I somehow managed to choke out through my tears.

"Hurry up, I have to do my makeup!" She said in a sing-song voice.

I composed myself by wiping away the dripping mascara. I threw away everything and put my hair in a low ponytail.

I walked out of the room, my head down, when Chelsea grabbed my arm.

"Felicity Rose Springs. If you don't tell me what's wrong right now and it's not the truth, I will tell mom and dad." She looked into my bloodshot eyes.

"I swear to god, Chels, if you tell them," I started but she interjected.

"I won't tell if you tell me the truth." She spoke honestly.

"Chelsea, I'm pregnant." I sniffled and she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Felicity, everything will be okay. You will always have my support. I promise." She softly patted my back as I let more silent tears fall down my face. After a few minutes, she pulled apart from me and walked into the bathroom.

"Lissie, do you mind me asking who is the father?" She looked at me while attempting to put on eyeliner.

More tears fell from my eyes as I stuttered, "I-It's Sam." She dropped her eyeliner and turned to face me fully.

"Pottorff?"She put her hand on her hip. "Wow, sis, didn't think you could get that far! I'm impressed!" She smiled and my cheeks flamed.

"It's not funny Chelsea!" I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Felicity! You know I didn't mean to hurt you!" She yelled from the top of the stairs.

"I don't care!" I dug around in the freezer until I came across my stash of Double chocolate gelato. I grabbed a spoon and dug in.

She came down the stairs 20 minutes later and I was watching Netflix on the couch.

"Lissie, I'm sorry." She looked at me while grabbing her keys off the dining room table.

"Love ya, Chels. Have fun!" I waved goodbye from the couch. "And don't forget to bring me back a slice of cake! Wish Jamie a happy birthday for me!"

"BYE! She shouted out the door. I heard it close and continued to watch Pretty Little Liars when I heard my phone buzz.

It was Sam.

"Hey babe, are you feeling okay this morning? You didn't look well after I dropped you off yesterday."

I read the message over and over before I finally replied.

"I'm fine, still not feeling great but It's getting better."

He replied immediately.

"My mom made chicken noodle soup for lunch yesterday, I'll bring you over some soon."

I started to type that I wouldn't need it, but he typed a quick message out again.

"Don't say you don't need it :)" I smiled and a tear dripped down my cheek again when I thought of how warm this made me feel inside. I love him with all my heart and every second I think about him, I love him more.

After polishing off my 1/4 pint of gelato, I popped some popcorn and continued to watch Pretty Little Liars until I heard a knock at the door.

I ran to the door and opened it only to find Sam with a bag sitting on the ground and his arms open wide. I jumped into them without hesitation as the feelings deep in my heart swelled in wonder.

"Hey Felicity." He smiled and kissed my cheek softly.

"Hi Sam." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and weaved my hands through his silky hair. He picked up the bag and carried me inside and set it on the island in the kitchen. After microwaving the food, he brought it over to the couch where I was laying down under a blanket.

I slurped up the egg noddles loudly and I felt my eyelids growing heavy. A few bites in, I set the bowl on the coffee table and leaned against Sam.

"What's wrong? You don't look well." He stroked my head on his shoulder.

"Sam, please don't get mad." My voice trailed.

"Okay, go ahead and tell me. I won't get mad." He nodded and squeezed my shoulder slightly.

"Sam, I'm pregnant..." I half whispered quietly in his ear.


A/N: Hey guys, I know I haven't updated any of my stories in some time but I am on vacation so I started this new story for a bit of a treat. :) Thank you all for being patient, I should be back to a more condensed schedule very soon. :) ~Reegan

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