Chapter Twelve

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I stood there, no emotion evident on my face. As she brought his hand up to her lips, she laid a brief kiss on the back of his hand, her eyes never breaking from mine.

"How dare you." I mouthed silently and Sam shifted. Liza kept her firm grip on his hand.

"You are dead to me." Liza mouthed back and slid her finger across her throat.

Sam's phone alarm went off and I was thankful. My sister got out of my bed faster than a cheetah running in the African savannah. He mumbled a bit before waking up completely.

"Good morning love." Sam sighed as he saw me sitting up on the bed.

"Hey," I sighed quietly and he came over to me.

"No heaving this morning?" His curious face looked at me.

"No I woke up in the middle of the night. I'm fine now." I looked down at my stomach and felt both of them kick playfully.

They were kicking more often now, I was 18 weeks pregnant and I had another appointment in a week. We started going to the doctor more often because they kept changing around my long term allergy medication so as not to hurt the babies. Kian and JC were coming with us and I couldn't be happier. We haven't seen them in so long. Couldn't believe I only had 21 more weeks to go before they got here and I knew it would be here sooner than we anticipate.

"Let's do something today." Sam took my hand in his. "I just wanna spend the day with you."

"Aww." I blushed a little bit. Who would've thought that I would've fallen in love with my best friend.

Sam popped up and got dressed. I put on my MAGCON hoodie over a tank top and put on some shorts. It was getting warmer outside but it was still cold at night so I brought a pair of pants too.

"Let's do something for the kids today. I feel like if we don't things won't go right when they are born." I grabbed the small emergency prep bag that I had packed for Sam and me.

"Aw, you're adorable when you're like this." He kissed my cheek before grabbing my hand and leading me down the stairs.

"Hey we are headed out for the day!" I shouted at Chelsea who was all cuddly in the backyard with Jason.

"Have fun! We'll be here!" She shouted. My parents took Liza to the beach today so having this time with Sam was great.

We went to a parenting class where they teach almost everything. From how to change a diaper down to how to get a newborn to latch. I really enjoyed it and felt energized and refreshed. Then we went to the mall to finish up the baby registry.

We stopped in the food court and got Panda Express for lunch before we decided to go home and relax for a bit. I sat down on the couch and watched 11/22/63 on Hulu.

"Tomorrow I want to take you shopping." My sister told me when we got home. "You've been so stressed out recently and you're getting bigger for having twins. You deserve it okay?" She gave me a big hug before she announced that she was starving.

"We are leaving to get In n' Out of you guys wanna tag along. Apparently mom and dad aren't coming home for a few days, supposedly "compensating for lost time" with their daughter. Chelsea said before grabbing her purse off the dining room table.

"I'm gonna stay here, I've got somewhat of a dizzying headache and don't really feel like sitting in the car. But could you guys go by the store and bring me back a pint of mint chip gelato? Chels knows what kind is my favorite." I snuggled up with the blanket on the couch after Sam stood up.

"Why can't you just take some Advil?" Jason looked at me after Chelsea had begun to compile a small list of things to grab from the store.

"Jason, she's pregnant. She can't take medications without hurting the babies, that's why they keep changing her allergy medication." Sam looked at him and chuckled slightly.

"Right, now I feel retarded." Jason laughed dryly before leaving the awkward atmosphere. "I'll be in the car babe," he kissed her cheek. Sam came over to me.

"Double double with cheese, no tomato?" He rubbed his nose against mine.

"Yes thank you hun." I stole a kiss from his soft lips before he turned on his heel and out of the door.

As I sat on the couch, I thought about what we were gonna do when they come. This house is too small to add two more people underneath it and I couldn't help but feel like I was becoming a burden. I felt like I made the worst mistake of my life, and I wish I would've waited to have these babies. I know when they come they'll be my world and I'll fall in love just like I have with Sam but I just can't help but feel like I started life too early. I prevented Sam from going on his career trips, and I feel like I'm dragging him down and keeping him grounded.

I looked out the window and saw the sun was just finishing setting and I took a deep breath. I love you guys, I always will no matter what. I thought in my head. They let out a few playful kicks which reassured me, We love you too Mommy.

All of a sudden I heard a knock at the door. I jumped up off the couch and answered it.

I peeked through the peephole and saw him standing there. Derek Braeden Walker. I opened the door cautiously.

"Derek." I looked at his broad figure and handsomely devilish green eyes that burned into my eyes brighter than fire and paper.

"Felicity." He looked into my eyes, and I felt my heart soften a little bit. Maybe he noticed it too because his stiff posture relaxed to his normal figure. "It's been a while."

"Yeah. It has. Can I help you?" I looked at him with stern eyes.

"Is Liz around?" He slinked down a bit and glanced around.

"She doesn't live here and you know that," I sighed a bit. "What do you really want?"

"Lissie, I saw her in the neighborhood the other day, but that isn't why I came." He took his hands out of his pockets.

"Go away Derek, I'm not into you anymore." I started to shut the door but his foot stopped it from closing.

Derek is Liza's ex boyfriend, the bad boy who got her into drugs in the first place. How I ever loved him is the question I still ask today. They were together up until she had her meltdown but the first 3 months they were dating I had a mad crush on him. All of that faded when I met Sam.

"Lis, I didn't come here for that either." His eyes darkened.

"Well then, what do you want?" I looked at him, the door still only cracked open.

The sounds of sirens filled the dense air and he bolted without words of farewell. I shut the door silently before returning to the couch and digging into  The Scarlet Letter on my iPad.

*An hour later*

Chelsea, Jason, and Sam came bursting through the doorway hands full with hot food and groceries.

Jason put my ice cream in the freezer, Sam dug out the food and brought it to the living room, and Chelsea but away the other groceries. We all sat down on the couch under several layers of blankets and watched Fuller House Until we all we sloped over each other fast asleep. 

A/N: Hey guys! Soo its been a while..... I've had some major health problems since February and it has prevented me from writing because of school and make-up work and all that jazz, however, I do have good news! School lets out for summer on June 9, and that is when I will be doing more regular writing! I've been working on this chapter now for about a week or so so please enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it. Anyway, I shall see you guys in around 2 weeks for the summer writing schedule and a new chapter! Love you all! <3 ~Reegs

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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