Chapter Seven

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It's been a week since Sam and I felt the first kick from our babies and I have a doctor's appointment today. I couldn't be more happy.

"15 weeks today..." Dr. Catalano mumbled slightly underneath his breath. "I'm very surprised you've managed to keep both your babies very similar in weight. Most teen twin pregnancies result in a imbalance in growth by the second month and the fact that you are almost in your 4th month is impressive. Enjoy what little free time you have left before they pop up. I promise you, it'll change your world forever." He scanned the monitor with his green eyes.

"I'm pretty sure my world changed when I found out I was having these kids." Sam grasped my hand.

"That's true." He chuckled before he pressed a few buttons on the monitor. "You're far enough along now, would you like to know the sex of your babies?" He added more warm gel to my stomach.

"I don't know, what do you think babe?" I looked at Sam and twiddled our thumbs together.

"I think we should. It will help us to be more prepared when these babies come."Sam shook his head.

"Congratulations." He smiled before turning off the monitor. "Get ready to welcome 2 baby girls into the world in a few months." He washed his hands and I began to cry. Sam's thumbs wiped them away and I clenched his hand in joy.

"Should we tell everyone the good news?" I looked at him pull his phone out of his pocket.

"I'll do it when we get home," He slyly slipped his phone back into his pocket before he helped me stand up.

"Thank you Dr. Catalano." I shook his hand and he replied joyfully,

"It's always a pleasure." We left the office and Sam dropped me home.

"I'll see you soon." He kissed my cheek before I walked into the house.

"Chels? I'm home!" I walked in and set my purse on the table. "Are you awake?" I walked up the stairs gingerly. "Come on, get up! It's already 9:30!" I shouted when I didn't hear movement from her room. I burst into her room to see her slouched against one of her pillows. I picked up another one and whacked her.

"What was that for!" She screamed before she saw me. "What are you all dressed up for?" She rubbed her eyes.

"I just got back from my appointment. Sam dropped me off." I rubbed my belly lightly. Chelsea popped up out of her bed.

"WHAT ARE YOU HAVING!?!?!?" She practically deafened me with her screams.

"Calm down! You'll be an aunt to 2 baby girls soon." I smiled and she leaped at me with her arms open.

"Lissie, I'm soooo happy! Wait until mom and dad find out. They fly in tonight." She grabbed her phone off of her dresser. "Come on! Jason said we are going shopping." She charged for the bathroom.

"I'll be in the car!" I came downstairs and grabbed my purse before trotting out to my car. It felt weird to be driving again, Sam has been so protective and adamant that I don't drive. Chelsea came out a few minutes later after I posted a picture to instagram of the ultrasound and letting everyone know what I'm having.

"Park Hill." Chelsea looked at me before getting lost in her cell phone.

I pulled up into the parking lot and we both got out of the car.

"I'm starving, can we get something to eat?" I panted.

"Yah sure." She walked over to Jason and held his hand.

"Long time no see." Jason nodded at me.

"I know it's been forever!" I hugged him.

We went to China Express for food and after eating for a few minutes, I looked up and saw Sam sitting at a table. He was wearing a beanie that almost covered his eyes, I figured he wanted to stay out of the public eye for the time being. My brows furrowed in dismay that he hadn't texted me about going to the mall all day. He looked to be waiting for someone.

A few seconds later, my heart shattered when I saw a girl who I didn't know walk up and tap him on the shoulder. He turned around, smiled a huge smile and kissed her sweetly. His hands collided through her hair and their lips moved in sync for a few seconds before he sat her down and began talking to her over a Jamba Juice smoothie.

"Lis, you alright?" Jason tapped my shoulder. I hadn't even realized that tears were pooling at my eyelids and few streamed down my cheeks.

"I'm fine...." My shaky voice broke and I almost fell over sitting in the chair. Jason caught me.

"You are not. What's wrong?" His green eyes glazed through me and my heart was racing with anger.

"2 o'clock..." I managed to choke out through my hot tears and my blood was boiling. Jason's head peered up and scanned the room. When he saw Sam, he looked back at me.

"What did he do?" Jason was wiping away the tears just as fast and they traveled down my face.

"The.... girl...." My muffled voice was choking in the anxiety pit that was building in my stomach. Jason bolted and  I tried to stand up and I instantly felt dizzy and when Chelsea came to my other side, she could tell something wasn't right.

"Lis, careful!" She grabbed both my hands to steady me.

"Jason!" I yelled and his head whipped around to see me walking his direction.

"Lissie, do not hurt yourself, or those precious babies." His hands grabbed my shaking wrists and his eyes kept mine from tearing up.

"I won't." I nodded assertively and walked over to Sam. He looked up and saw my face which was red hot. He turned a pale white.

"Felicity, what are you doing here?" His eyes dodged mine.

"I could ask you the same question.... And why with her?" I finally turned to look at the girl who was just kissing my boyfriend and instantly the face became recognizable.

"Eliza!?!?" My older sister.


A/N: DRAMA!!!!! Ok so I really have to go to bed, I've got school in the mornin' but I'll fill you guys in a little bit next chapter. And yes, she is having baby girls!!! AHHH I'm MEGA excited. Ill show you guys the baby pictures of when they are born when the time comes but the chapter pic this time was an ultrasound of twins at 16 weeks. Hope you all enjoyed, tysm for reading and I'll talk to you in the next chapter. ~Reegs

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