Chapter Eight

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A million memories rushed through my head and I felt faint. Her jet black hair and bright green eyes left me in a daze, she isn't how I remember her.

*Flashback* (4 years)

"Get away from me!" My sister shouted from the corner of the living room. Her long dirty blonde hair hid her eyes. I stood behind Chelsea and she clutched my hand for dear life.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP MESSING AROUND TO DANGEROUS PEOPLE! YOU KNOW YOU CAN GET HURT TALKING TO THOSE DRUG DEALERS!" My mom and dad shouted at her. My father picked up the packet of syringes off the floor and threw them against the wall.

"You don't control my life anymore I can do what I want!" She screamed in their faces. "I'M 21!" She scurried away from the corner.


"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! DRUGS MAKE ME FEEL SOMETHING!" She curled up into a ball and started to shake.

"SO YOU ARE DOING MORE THAN 1?!?! WHAT OTHER ONES DO YOU DO ELIZA?!" My dad looked at her with rock hard eyes.

"LSD.... Ecstasy..." She mumbled quietly.

"ELIZA MAGNOLIA SPRINGS! THIS IS NOT HOW I RAISED YOU!" My mother gasped and shouted at the top of her lungs.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS HOUSE AND DON'T COME BACK BECAUSE YOU AREN'T OUR DAUGHTER!" Both my parents screamed and I ran upstairs. I couldn't bear listening to the conversation any longer. I heard the screams and sobs from my eldest sister grow louder and louder before Chelsea came up to my room. I was hugging my knees, fearing for my life and my sister's. I didn't know what was going to happen but after Chelsea calmed me down, she sat with me and we listened to the screams get quieter and quieter as she ran down the street... That was the last time I saw my sister.

*End of Flashback*

I heard sobs next to me, and my eyes slowly opened to see my sister on my left hand side.

Her eyes sprung back to life and tears flowed down her face freely. "Felicity Luna Springs I swear, I thought I lost you...." She sniffled.

"What happened...?" I was eerily confused and the room was muggy.

"We aren't sure," Jason approached the right side of my bed. "All we know is you passed out and you were rushed to the hospital. They thought you were seizing and..." His voice began to tremble.

"What?" I looked at both of them, switching my glances on either side of me. "Are my babies okay?" I suddenly felt frantic and I heard the heart rate monitor pick up in pace.

"Thankfully." Jason grabbed my hand and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You almost lost them..." My sister was about to break into tears. "But they brought your pulse back before anything happened to them." She smiled at me and sniffled through her tears and that's when everything came flooding back. The mall, the kiss, my sister. My sister.

"Where is the girl." My voice became steady and serious.

"Sam is waiting with her in the hallway. They said only 2 people back at a time." Chelsea started to relax. "Do you want me to go get him?" She turned around but Jason reached her hand. He affirmatively shook his head no.

"You stay here and don't leave your sister's side." He walked towards the door and stopped to kiss her cheek before waltzing out into the hall.

"Care to explain why you don't want him in here?" Tears threatened to stream down my cheeks but I held them back.

Carrying His Baby - (A Sam Pottorff  FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now