Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Today was a big day. Freen let out a big sigh and rose out off the couch, that she fell asleep on. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched her neck from left to right and back.

'Okay, let's get this done.' She got up, did her morning routine in the bathroom and put some clothes on. She wanted to look presentable for the owner of the apartment, that she was planning on renting.

Before heading out, she ate a big bowl of yoghurt with banana.

'Oh hey, you're up already.' Said the girl, that was coming into the kitchen. 'Yeah, I made a little to much yoghurt. If you want, you can have mine.'
The girl's eyes got excited and gladly took the bowl from her.

'Okay, I'll be heading out. Gonna check out that apartment I showed you last week.' The girl eyed Freen for a second before saying 'You know, you don't have to move out. You can stay here for as long as you want.'

Freen smiled softly at her. How did she earn such a good and caring friend.

'I know Kade, but it's time for me to get my life back on track. It's time, I can feel it, I'm ready.' she said with a determined tone in her voice.

'Alright, get on with it then. You'll be late.' Kade put the bowl on the kitchen counter and slithered towards Freen with open arms and a mischievous smile on her face.

Freen's smile grew bigger the closer she got. Her best friend pulled her in a bone crushing hug, inhaling and exhaling before letting her go.

'Alright alright, enough of this. I gotta go.' They let go, so Freen could put her coat on. 'I'll see you later' she waved her friend goodbye.

'See you later, alligator. I love you.' Freen shook her head and headed out to her car.
She installed the gps with the address. The drive overthere was just 10 minutes. She put on loud music and drove away.

Traffic was kinda horrible, but she just arrived in time. The owner was waiting for her at the entrance of the apartment.

'Hi , welcome! Freen, right?' The owner asked her formally. She held out her hand to shake it.

'Hello, yes that's correct. You must be Kirk. Nice meeting you.' She shook his hand and entered the building with him. They took the elevator to the fifth floor and made some small talk in the mean time.

'Oh, so you lived in Bangkok before, but then moved away and now you're back.' Freen nodded her head and continued walking. Kirk opened the door of the apartment and let her enter inside.

'Yes that's right, it feels right to move back here.' Leaving the subject at that, she eyed every corner of the place and really liked what she saw.

'Wauw, this is such a nice place. I could definitely picture myself living here.'
They discussed the payment, the contract and so on. An hour later, she signed everything and drove back to Kade's home.

She felt good about the apartment, she felt excited. She had visited a lot of new places in Bangkok already, so she was certain about this one. Something just told her to sign the papers.

When she opened up the front door, she was welcomed with a delicious smell of food. Her mouth immediately watered and it was then she realised she accidentally had skipped lunch.

'Honey, I'm home!' she exclaimed with a smile on her face. Kade turned around 'Hey, how was it?' Freen sat herself on one of the chair at the kitchentable.

'It was perfect, so I signed the contract. I'll be packing my stuff tomorrow, because the owner told me I could move in the day after tomorrow.' Kade rose her eyebrows.

[FreenBecky] When life hits love, sometimes you dieWhere stories live. Discover now