Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Becky was grabbing some fresh clothings when she just fell to her knees on the floor. She was so tired and emotionally drained from the last 4 weeks. Freen didn't seem to wake up, eventhough the doctors were positive about her state.

It was difficult to still be optimistic about anything, really. She just wanted to hear Freen's voice, saying that everything will be okay. But that was not an option.

She needed some time to think, to clear her head. She put everything she needed in the trunk of her car and drove to a place she rarely visits. She should go there more often. But it also freaked her out a little bit.

She shut her car door and started walking until she read the familiar name on the stone.

            {James Thomas Armstrong}

The grave was covered with moss and roots, it looked beautiful. She sat herself down right before the stone, her knees tugged under her.

'Hi dad... It been a long time since I came here. I'm sorry about that, I promise to come more often in the future....' She paused a second, like she was waiting for him to response.

'I- euh I- I need some advice dad. I really need some help right now. You still know Freen, right? She's back in my life, after seven years of being apart. Our paths somehow crossed, I like to think by fate.' Becky couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her face.

'But something happened, something horrible. She- she got into a car accident, dad.' She had to collect herself.

'She really almost died, according to the doctors. She has been in a coma, for over a month now.' She sniffed her tears back up, she didn't want them to roll down. She clasped her hands together.

'Dad, can you please help me? Tell me what to do, give me some kind of direction to go in. I'm- I'm really desperate. I hate to say it, but I am. I don't know what to do anymore, with myself, with the situation.'

The wind blowed her hair sideways, making some strings fall in her face. She felt stupid. She was begging at her fathers grave for help. But she didn't know what else to do anymore. She felt like she was losing Freen, something in her gut told her.

'Please, help me.' She stopped talking, it was no use anyway. She sighed deeply, putting a hand on the stone.

'Thank you for listening to me. I really miss you daddy.' Becky slowly stood up again, looking one last time at the stone before making her way back to her car.

When Becky's father died, things changed for Becky and her whole family. It broke everyone up. She hasn't seen her mother in a couple of years. And she wasn't planning on doing it. She threw the thought about her mother quickly out the window, she didn't wanna think about her right now. She had other things to worry about.

On her way to the hospital, she did a quick check up at her shop. It hasn't been open since the accident. The shop was dusty and cold. Something caught her eye at the counter. It was the butterfly necklace that she forgot she had put aside.

She grabbed it, smiling at it. It made her think about Freen. She put it in her pants, bringing it with her to the hospital.

When she arrived at their room, it was empty. She was looking around the room in shock. Where is Freen? Where is her monitor? Where is all her stuff, the flower, Becky's bed?

She started to panick a little. She jogged out of their room and searched for a nurse that could help her. It took her a couple minutes to find someone.

'I'm sorry but I need help. I just got back at room 288 and it's empty? Where is Freen Sarocha? She was there when I left 3 hours ago.' Becky was out of breath, not from jogging, from the angsty feeling in her gut.

[FreenBecky] When life hits love, sometimes you dieWhere stories live. Discover now