Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

'Do you remember anything from the accident?' Becky asked her girlfriend. They've just woken up and were making some small morning talk. The covers still over their bodies, with tangled limbs. Both girls felt so content in each other's arms.

Freen was thinking, trying to remember what happened on that day. Becky saw her closing her eyes and flowning her brows. A light headache was clouding the front of Freen's head.

'I can remember some fragments or like flashes. But other than that, not much. I remember I had an appointment with an editor and that I was driving. I see my hands on the wheel and then in the corner of my eye a red car coming directly in my direction. But then after that, I don't remember a thing.' Freen opened her eyes again. She felt exhausted from just thinking.

Becky was glad that Freen didn't remember anything after that. She didn't want the girl to remember the pain and trauma the accident caused to her. She also felt scared to listen, it pained her to know what had happened.

'That's a lot more than I expected you to recall. I think the officer, that will be here in the afternoon, will give us some more information. Maybe then you'll remember even more. But don't put to much pressure on yourself, you're still recovering. Doctor said that you shouldn't do to much of this.' Becky said. She kissed Freen's nose and got up out of bed.

She needed to get ready. She had some things to do before officer Peck would visite them. Freen had some appointments with the physiotherapist and trauma therapist.

Before Becky left, she took the time to say goodbye. She felt scared to leave, scared to get a phone call saying Freen died.

'I'll be right back, okay? Just stay here, don't go wandering on your own or something.' Becky worried a lot these days, Freen noticed it. She took a hold on the girls shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

'Beck, stop worrying. I'm alright, I won't go outside of this room. If anything happens, I'll call you.' And so she kissed the girl one time too many. It felt difficult to leave Freen behind now that she was awake again. Freen sent Becky off to her car.

Her shop looked abandoned, a sad feeling settled in her chest. This shop meant so much to her and her father. And now it looked like an abandoned crack house. She went in, leaving the 'closed' sign still hanging. She couldn't let anyone in if it looked like this.

She cleaned for an hour when she heard something fall behind her. She turned around to see where the noise came from. She didn't see anything accept old stuff and dust. But something was off, she felt it in her gut. She kept looking around.

Suddenly her eyes laid upon a shadow in the corner of her shop. It started moving towards her. Without looking back twice, she started making her way out, but got stopped mid-way. She felt hands grab her waist and pulling her back. She wanted to scream but nothing came out of her throat.

Becky was fighting against his grip, trying to break free from it. 'Becky, calm down! It's me! Hey! Stop it!' That voice, she hadn't heard in weeks. It immediately made her stop moving, her feet froze to the ground.

What was he doing in her shop? Why was he here? Why was he doing this? She got turned around, meeting the eyes she never wanted to see so much up-close again. 

She gulped at what she saw. His eyes expressed despair and insanity. Her looked terrible, the bags under his eyes made it clear he hasn't had a good night of sleep in weeks. His breath stank of alcohol, it prickled her skin. His forming beard made him look unkempt.

His hands were holding her still on both sides of her body. He was intensely looking at her with his bulging eyes, they were really scaring her. She has never seen him like this.

[FreenBecky] When life hits love, sometimes you dieWhere stories live. Discover now