Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Becky stayed the whole night besides Freen, to afraid to leave the room. She was exhausted from worrying every second about the girl.

She wished she had a time machine to go back in time, to the moment they were back in the kitchen. Freen was hugging her waist, her chin resting on Becky's shoulder while she made them a quick lunch. She wished they never left the apartment.

Every time she looked at Freen, her heart broke a little more. Her thoughts got interrupted by a soft knock on the door. Two unknown people made it's way into the room.

The women had these grief-stricken grimace on their faces. It told Becky that they were people close to Freen's heart. She gave them a small nod and a sad smile.

'Hi Becky, you probably don't know us. We are Kade and Jim. We're close friends of Freen.' They explained. Their eyes shifted back to the girl on the bed. Jim sniffed, walking closer to Freen. Becky saw her gulp, taking the other hand that Becky wasn't holding into her own.

'Ohw Freen, I can't believe this happened to you. This shouldn't have happened...' she stopped for a second, collecting her herself. 'Kade and I are here, Becky is here. We're all here for you. Freen, you have so much to still experience in life. Fight and wake up, don't be scared.' Jim squeezed her hand supportively.

Becky decided to give them a moment alone with Freen. She needed to get something to eat or she would pass out eventually. She made a mental note to talk to the women when she gets back.

The cashier was looking at her funny. Probably because she looked like shit, but she could care less about what others thought of her. Her mind was somewhere else, somewhere dark. She was paying the cashier for her lunch when someone called out her name.

'Beck!' She recognised that voice anywhere. Her best friend ran up to her and caught Becky in a bone crushing hug. Becky lost herself in the warmth of it, closing her eyes.

She finally felt some relief, having the one person besides her that always brought her peace. She felt so happy that her friend was here, a tear escaped her eye.

'It's okay, Beck. Everything will be okay. We'll get through this together.' The words engulfed her heart. In days, these were the first words she truly believed. It made her feel less burdened, like Yuki took part of the weight on her shoulders and now they were carrying it together.

'You can't imagine how grateful I am that you're here. Thank you...' Yuki released the girl from her grip, hearing the words made her happy and sad at the same time. She gave Becky a lip-tight smile.

'Come on, let's go to her room.' Yuki took some food to carry from her friend and walked besides her.

'How is she doing?' Yuki asked her carefully. Becky looked down at the floor, she hated the words that had to be spoken. She didn't wanna say them, ever.

'They were able to stabilise her, but she fell into a coma. They don't know for how long. They also said that she has a 50% survival chance so she has to rest right now and heal up. The only thing I can do, is talk to her, make sure she knows I'm besides her. But it's difficult... talking to her in this state.' Becky's voice cracked at the end of her sentence.

'I'm sure you're doing a great job. If you want, I can read her some story. If she still like poetry, I remember she did in college.' Yuki said. Becky really loved how her friend wanted to help.

'I think she would love that.' Becky gave her a thankful smile.

They arrived at their room. Becky took a deep breath in before knocking the door and entering. Kade and Jim were holding on to their friend. They had red and puffy eyes. Becky could see the heartbreak on their faces.

[FreenBecky] When life hits love, sometimes you dieWhere stories live. Discover now