Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

'Don't freak out, but I've got something to confess.' Becky stared at her friend Yuki, who was munching on her spicy noodles. When Yuki heard that, she stopped what she was doing and staighted her back, giving her full attention to her friend.

'What is it?' She asked a little panicked with her eyes slightly more opened, expecting the worst.

Becky found it difficult to look her in the eyes, she bit her lip. She sighed not even knowing how to begin her sentence.

'She's here... in Bangkok. I saw her yesterday. I went to see her.'

Yuki frowned for a second but immediately knew who her friend was talking about. There could only be one person she was talking about in this way. Yuki was there when Becky hit her breaking point. She helped her friend, while she was suffering from the break-up.

Yuki blinked a couple times, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She even put her chopsticks down.

'Wait what, hold up. You mean Freen, as in your ex girlfriend, is back. And you went to see her yesterday. Why do I only know about this now?' She asked disappointed with a hint of shock.

'I'm sorry... I don't know where my head is honestly.' Becky said with her head down, playing with the leftover food on her plate.

Yuki saw how Becky was a little lost. 'It's okay' she took her hand in hers that was across the table 'please tell me about it.'

Yuki was scared for what Becky was about to say. She remembered the first years after the break-up as if it was a week ago. She had never seen her friend like that, and she wanted to keep it that way.

'Well, you know how Kirk moved, right? He rented his apartment to someone. That happend to be her. She came back after all these years.'

Yuki already had alot of questions, but she waited for her friend to finish.
'That moment, when she opened the door, our eyes connected and I felt like someone punched me right in my stomach. I was utterly shocked. I couldn't even say a thing. That must have looked so weird. Gosh I'm so stupid...' Becky rolled her eyes back and slumped in her seat.

'After that, I was up all night debating if i should go and see her again. I wanted to ask her so many questions.
Oh and by the way, she looked amazing.' Becky bit her lip again.

'I think she was as surprised as I was when she opened the door and saw me standing there again.' She giggled lightly, recalling Freen's shocked face.

Yuki saw this and secretly smirked. She couldn't believe how Becky was talking about her encounter with her ex-girlfriend. She was a little shocked, but seeing her friend talking in this way, made her more at ease.

She also was there when Becky and Freen were together. She was there when they had their ups and downs. She knew Freen was a good person, but stuggled with personal stuff. They were soulmates, meeting at the wrong time in their life. Or maybe the right...

'How's she doing now?' Yuki broke her own and Becky's train of thoughts.

'She's doing so much better. She's still working on herself but she's better. She...' Becky hesitated to tell this. 'She euh... she even told me something I found shocking, but cute. Do you remember the letter I told you about.' Yuki nodded.

'She kept it, she even still has it. She said that it motivated her through all these years.' Becky's cheeks redded so she looked down again.

'I don't know what to do honestly... I wanna see her again and just ask her anything. I wanna know about her life, what she's doing now. But then again, I left her so many years ago. I shouldn't have done that. I left when she needed someone. I- I... I don't deserve to know about her life now.' Becky's eyes saddened. She was punishing herself. Yuki knew that right away.

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