Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It's been 2 days now since moving into her new apartment. Gosh, Freen felt so excited to call this her new home.

Yesterday she went to the store to buy her new place some furniture and plants. The bill afterwards was a little less exciting, but it was worth it.

She ploffed down on the couch with a content sigh. Closing her eyes, she inhaled 3 times into her nose and out of her mouth.

'You've worked so hard, this is what you've earned.' She looked around.
She was exhausted from today, buying stuff, moving it in her apartment. She decided it was time to get some delived food.

'I should call Kade over...' she took her phone and searched for the contact in her phone.

'Hey you, wanna come over? I'm getting some fried chicken and pizza.' Kade didn't even hesitate.

'I'll bring the wine' and the line went dead. Freen smiled and started to make the food order.

In no time, both arrived. The food looked delicious, the wine was also delicious... Kade decided to stay the night after drinking half a bottle of wine.

She carried her to bed and tucked her in. She laid herself on the opposite side. She was glad that Kade was here, it was still scary sleeping alone in her new place.

Not used to all the sounds yet. She also liked the company, being alone is still a difficult task for her. If she's alone, she overthinks. If she overthinks, she'll get sad. She was definitely still a work in progress, but for now she had Kade. So she fell into a deep slumber...

The next day, Freen woke up with Kade tangled up in the sheets.

'What an idiot' she smiled and took a picture. You never know when that can come in handy, some good old blackmailing.

She got up and got dressed. Before starting up breakfast, she went to get the mailbox. Because the moving went so fast, the owner hadn't had the time to fix the mail addresses yet.

Kirk asked her to put the mail safe inside the apartment and he'll come and pick it up later.
It wasn't alot, just some newspaper, bills and a fancy cart.

She put the mail on the corner of the kitchen table and decided to make some eggs and pancakes. But the fancy cart fell off of the heap.

She picked it up and quickly glanced over it. She had to look 2 times before her heart stopped beating. All the colour drained from her face.

She inhaled sharply while her stomach did a backflip, which made her feel like throwing up. She couldn't believe what she saw.

'Nop & Becky'

Her name... why was her name on the cart? Her mind couldn't comprehend what was going on. She stood there for what felt like an hour.

She felt an anxious and weird sensation entering her body. Suddenly a drop fell on the cart, her tear. Her body was reacting before her mind knew what the hell was going on.

'What's that? Are you okay?' A voice intruded her thoughts. She was shook awake, back to reality. Kade saw how Freen was frozen to the ground, with a horrified expression on her face.

'What's that in your hand, let me see' Kade took the small piece of paper and eyed it for a minute. Freen was dead quiet and staring ahead. A million thoughts running but noting made sense.

Kade knew that name. She bit her lip, she knew this was going to happen at a certain point, but never expected it to be this soon.

'Freen... are you okay? Please say something.' she gently took Freen's hand in hers, trying to distract her from her thoughts.

'I.. I- I don't know. That's.. that's her.. that's her name. Or am I seeing things?' She had to sit down before her knees would fail her. They both moved to the couch.

Flashback 7 years ago:

She heard the frontdoor close. It was dead silent in the apartment. Freen only heard her own breathing. Tears streamed down her face.

She can't believe she just lost the love of her life. This was it, the beginning of Freen's downfall. She would not leave this bed for days.

On day 4 her best friend Kade came to visit since she hadn't heard or responded to her texts and calls.

'Hello? Freen, are you here?' She called out in the apartment that looked abandoned. She walked to the kitchen, only to find a handwritten letter on the counter. It was from Becky. She took the letter with her and walked to different rooms only to stumble up on her friend.

The state that Kade found Freen in, was utterly horrible. She even had to call in for help. She was scared to lose her best friend.

Freen was brought to the hospital, she eventually got better little by little. Kade was by her side 24/7, making sure she ate and drank the hospital food.

'Kade, can you please buy me something other then pudding? I want chips, pretty please?' Freen asked her tiredly.

'Ofcourse, let me get some money' she checked her purse, took out her wallet. But something else fell out when she pulled it out. It was the letter.

Kade didn't know if she should give it now or not. You know, it wasn't even her place to take the letter. She should be honest and give it to her.

'Freen, I forget that I even had this, but on the day I found you at your home, I found this letter on the counter.' She gave it to her. When Freen read the name on the letter, she froze. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

'I'll get you those chips. I'll be right back.' Freen thanked her and focused her attention back on the letter. She doubted for a second to not open it. But this was the last string she had to Becky. So she hold on to it for her dear life.

'I'm sorry
I will always love you
I'll wait for you'

From that moment on, Freen has been fighting for her life. She took her life in both of her hands and slowly but surely turned it around.

She had to, she was gonna fight for herself and for her soulmate. Becky gave her this little spark that restarted the fire in her heart.

Present time:

'She said she would wait for me. That she will always love me.' Freen said with her head in her hands. How could she be so stupid, thinking that Becky would wait for her. She was nobody.

'Gosh, I'm so fucking stupid.' She closed her eyes and exhaled.

'Stop' Kade said firmly. That made Freen snap her head up at her.

'Please stop that. You can't just say things like that to yourself. Freen, I know this is hard to believe but look at you. You've been through hell and back. You've got your life in your hands, you've got that control. Don't let this ruin all your hard work.' Freen looked at her.

'But she wrote it... she's..- she was supposed to be my soulmate. No, she- she is my soulmate. I can't let this happen. I- I gotta see her. She would wait for me, always. I gotta go and see her.' Freen's thoughts went frantic.

Kade took her by her shoulders and shook her alittle 'Freen, you have to take some deep breaths for me. In to your nose and out through your mouth.' She did the breathing exercise with her, that calmed her down.

'Okay, maybe that was a little impulsive.' She said, still doing the breathing exercise.
You see, although Freen was free from her  depression, her mind still lived in the past. She held on to that message for so long. It was her spark that brought her life.

She had to tell Becky that. She was the reason for Freen's progress, the person she is today. She had to see her one last time to tell her that. This would be her closure, the closure she never got.

'Kade, I know you probably won't understand this, but I have to see her one last time. I have to tell her everything before I say goodbye forever.' Kade looked at her worried. She was thinking it over.

'Alright, if this is what you need then I trust you and I'll help you.' Freen exhaled a relieved sigh. She hugged Kade.

'Thank you so much.'

[FreenBecky] When life hits love, sometimes you dieWhere stories live. Discover now