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"So let me get this straight, so for four years, you were hiding secrets of the richest and most powerful men on Earth." Yosuke looked at her, reciting a small description of her past once she had finished giving him the main points of it. When they got near the company building, Y/N was only a third of the way through her story so the two decided to hit the road once more, this time, driving wherever the wheel decided to take them.

"And women, but I mainly worked for people from North America." Y/N shrugged, watching the scenery as Yosuke continued to drive.

"So you kept these rich people safe from scandal and... how much would you be paid for it?"

"After about six months it got to the thousands. Sometimes I'm surprised with a bonus and there's an extra zero." His head snapped towards her. "And I take on three jobs every week with Kiha. But they don't take too long, he usually finishes them in under an hour."

"You told me that after the first year, you were able to pay off your entire tuition. Why not leave then?" Yosuke questioned her and Y/N looked at him.

"I was thinking of leaving, but then I realized all the debts my parents have yet to pay for. So I paid their debts... then I paid for the rest of my family. I kept on doing it until I started my third year in uni and I started to question where the hell I was going with my life."

As Y/N studied in her room, maintaining her best to keep quiet in order to not disturb her roommate that was asleep from across the room, she heard a few knocks on the door.

She stood up from her desk and approached the door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see the furious look on Kiha's face.

"Did you seriously text me, I'm not doing it anymore?" He stomped into her room, forcing her to back away quickly. Her eyes widened, slapping her hands over his mouth.

"My roommate's sleeping! Can we do this outside?" She asked and he shook his head before turning around and closing the door.

"You do not just bail on me like that." He said.

"Why can't I?"

"Because you are one of our most valuable assets right now, Y/N. They would have both of our heads if you back out now." He gripped onto her wrists and she looked down.

"Let go of me." She whispered and he immediately does as told, pulling away.

"Please, just stay with us until your graduation and we will let you go. You and I will both never see each other again and you will be a free and innocent woman once again." He said.

"Are you sure?" She looked at him.

"Yes, yes of course I am." He nodded.

"So I stayed. But I wanted to know if I was as valuable as he said I was, so I went and I asked my boss and turns out I was more valued than I thought I was. I was the best they got and that nobody could bear to try and find a replacement for me." She looked down at her phone to check the time. "Now knowing what power I had, I spent the next two years just trying to make it out alive."

"Did you expose them?" Yosuke questioned.

"I wish but no. I told our bosses that I'm moving and surprisingly, they were willing to let me go knowing that they had my vow, that I'd never snitch even on my death bed but Kiha wasn't ready yet. But I already graduated by then and I was set up to move to Seoul the following month since I had a job set in JYPE." Y/N turned to him and Yosuke looked back at her.

"But before I left, I had one last goodbye with Kiha."

A few knocks were heard on the front door to Y/N's apartment and she walked to it. Her eyes widened when she saw it was Kiha standing outside and she debated on opening the door or not.

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