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The next day, Nayeon had met up with Yosuke at his desk, wanting to start on the plan she had Y/N agree with her to.

She looked around, scanning for any signs of Y/N only to find her nowhere. "Where's Y/N?" Nayeon asked as she grabbed another chair, using it to sit beside Yosuke at his desk.

"She's probably at home. I don't know why but I can only think that it had something to do with yesterday." Yosuke stared at his computer screen, currently in the midst of typing a responding email to an associate.

Nayeon focused on his screen for a few seconds before looking down on the folder she had resting on her lap. "What do you have there?" Yosuke gave a quick glance at the folder and she opened it.

"These are resumes of people from the division that manages Itzy. Two days ago, I talked with Y/N and she revealed to me that some people who work for Kiha have actually been working undercover in Itzy's division for a while now." Yosuke stopped typing at his keyboard when he learned of the new information and quickly turned around to face her. "Y/N gave me a list of all the names and copies of their resumes. I also looked through these before I got to you and they have been there since Y/N joined the company. I think it's safe to say that Kiha has all the eyes he needed on her."

"There's no way we can get these people fired without explaining Y/N's entire situation which will ultimately get her fired." Yosuke shook his head. "May I?" He gestured to the papers. Nayeon nodded, allowing him to take the pieces of paper from her lap and he started to read through each of them.

"Yes, she will get fired if we tell the truth, which is why you're gonna try to convince division 4 to switch employees with division 2." When Yosuke heard of this proposition, his eyes widened.

"That's too suspicious!" Yosuke exclaimed, almost bringing a few eyes towards them at how loud he was. He quickly realized and went to lower his voice, now speaking in a loud whisper. "How am I supposed to do that?"

"By telling them it was the CEO's idea." Nayeon then pulled out another folder from within the large folder, handing it to him. "Last night, Y/N managed to set up a last minute meeting with him. Then she made a trap with either lies or just the plain truth of how incompetent the division is. Knowing her, she probably started off with the truth before overexaggerating it into lies," A grin curved up Yosuke's lips as he listened to her. "And he fell right into her trap and suggested talking with the division. She also got him to say that he'll support whatever comes out of the conversation which is where you come in. Set up a meeting with the head of division 2, tell them about what's been going on and what your solution is. If they doubt you, just show that file to them and they should grant you full control on who will be exchanged with who."

"And what if they still reject me?"

"Then they'll have to go through Y/N. Which I doubt they'll be brave enough to do considering how she is." Nayeon had this knowing grin on her face as she leaned back in her seat. "Anyways, you can get to this any time today." She got up, placing the rest of the papers on his desk and put away her chair.

"When does Y/N want it done?"

Nayeon shrugged, returning to his side. "I don't know but maybe before today ends." Yosuke nodded, looking up at her. "By the way, do you know where she could be?" Yosuke looked around, searching for her and as he opened his mouth to answer, he immediately closed it.

"I don't know..." Yosuke gave himself a moment to think before a certain thought made him gasp. "Maybe Kiha kidnapped her-"

"I doubt that-" Nayeon shook her head slightly.

"Maybe a hitman crashed her car on the way here!"

"Does she drive?" Nayeon furrowed her brows. As Yosuke made up all these ridiculous scenarios of how Y/N could've died rather than just calling her, the woman herself was walking up behind Nayeon with a drink in her hand.

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