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Warning: Smut and violence

Y/N had woken up earlier than Nayeon did and when she opened her eyes, she smiled at the sight of Nayeon, turned away while she had her arm wrapped around her waist. Oh to fall asleep to her every night only to wake up to her the next morning. After the first time Y/N already decided that she wanted every day of the next 70 years of her life to start and end like how it did at this moment. There was no time to 'get to know' Nayeon, no. She already felt like she knew the woman inside and out and she wasn't going to settle for just taking it slow with her. No, she needed to love this girl like every day was her last and whether or not she had a different life, free from her past or not, she was going to love this woman anyway to her heart's content. She placed a gentle kiss on her arm before realizing what day it was. She turned her body to grab her phone and found it ringing from an unknown number.

"Hello?" She muttered, putting the phone up to her ear.

"I'm surprised you actually did it." She heard Kiha chuckled through the other phone. "I just got a visit from a few officers but I paid them to give me today before I let them know where I am to arrest me."

"Of course you did." She shook her head.

"So I'll be there by tonight, what about you?"

"I'll be there by tonight as well. I just have to pack some things." Y/N replied before hearing him hang up. She set her phone down and she sat up, leaning her head against the headboard while stroking Nayeon's arm. She leaned down, leaving one more kiss on her skin before she saw her start to wake up. Nayeon slowly turned around and as she opened her eyes, she was greeted with Y/N's lips on hers.

She squirmed in her spot with a scrunched nose and eyes closed shut, "I probably have bad breath." She tried to pull away but Y/N only grinned, grabbing her cheek and kissing her deeper.

"Your breath doesn't smell, it smells just fine." Y/N chuckled and Nayeon couldn't stop herself from smiling, kissing her back. They pulled away after a few seconds and Nayeon scanned her face, stroking her cheek gently.

"I have to start packing..." Y/N told her and Nayeon nodded, keeping her smile as she looked at her.

Nayeon took the time to scan her features, remembering every inch of her face. "I know um... we've only been together for a day but-"

"Wait," Y/N stopped her, grabbing her hand. "We've been together- are we girlfriends?" She questioned and Nayeon shrugged, pecking her lips.

"If you want to. 'Cause if you do, I'm not letting you take it back." She shook her head and Y/N grinned.

"Are you sure about that? 'Cause I won't be here tonight. And I'm pretty sure I won't be for a very long time after that..." Y/N dropped her grin and Nayeon kissed her lips again.

"Then I'll wait for you." She said and Y/N's brows raised, immediately going to shake her head.

"No, no, you don't have-"

"I want to," Nayeon kissed her cheek. "Because I really like you." She kissed her other cheek. "And I love the way you make me feel both emotionally and physically." She then kissed her nose and Y/N sighed through her nose.

"Do you have today off?" Y/N muttered, dragging her hand down to her arm and squeezed it gently.

"Yes." Nayeon nodded her head, smiling at her. "You wanna get changed now?" She asked her. Y/N took a few seconds to stare at her eyes. She then stared at her lips as she shook her head slowly and pressed her lips against hers. Nayeon closed her eyes, kissing her back and pulled her on top. Y/N started to kiss her cheek before going to her jaw.

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