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"She should be in here." Yosuke walked up to Y/N's office door with Nayeon and she smiled at him, knocking on the door.

"Come in!" Y/N called from inside. The two entered together and were greeted with the sight of Y/N in front of the whiteboard once more, hand resting below her chin. Only this time, there wasn't one whiteboard she was facing, it was now two. Nayeon noticed the red leather jacket hung across the back of Y/N's chair and she looked back at her.

"I almost forgot we were going to have a spa day." Y/N told Nayeon as she tossed her marker aside and walked to her desk, grabbing her backpack.

"So you added another board for the undercover people working in our division?" Yosuke asked, reading over the board as Y/N slung the straps of her backpack over her shoulders.

"I want to distinct which one is doing it because they had no other choice and which one is doing it for greed. That way, it'll be easier for you to see which ones to go to and help and which ones you don't need to go to and help." Y/N turned to him. "Also, I've started to think about what to put in my will. Contact our legal team and set up a meeting with one of the lawyers."

"Will do..." Yosuke nodded and both him and Nayeon followed her out of the office. After locking it, they walked to the elevator together.

"So, how was the dinner?" Nayeon asked.

"It's fine, NewJeans were loud and childish but it was kind of sweet. Le Sserafim were loud as well and had a great time from how much they laughed. Heejin was wonderful and I was uncomfortable at how many people were smiling all at the same time." Y/N explained and the two both hold back a laugh, chortling.

"You're laughing at me." Y/N turned to Yosuke.

"You never admit when you're uncomfortable, nor do you admit to anything that you're feeling at the moment." Yosuke explained and Nayeon struggled to hold back the widest grin as she stared at Y/N from behind.

"You'd be just as uncomfortable as I was if you were me."

"We wouldn't because Yosuke and I allow ourselves to express our feelings, Ms. Robot." Nayeon pointed out and Y/N turned towards her now.

"How about you try expressing your feelings even just for this second?" Yosuke suggested.

Y/N then turned towards Yosuke, staring him down, "I am currently expressing how disappointed I am in you to have let this woman influence the way you talk to me," She then turned again towards Nayeon, unable to stare her down since the woman kept her head up high, even leaning forward to try and get Y/N to back down. "And Nayeon, you are unbearable as you've always been."

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Nayeon raised a brow, tilting her head as she looked at her. The elevator doors opened with a ding and the three walked to Yosuke's car.


"Just call me when you're done, okay?" Yosuke asked upon parking in front of the building. Y/N nodded and unbuckled her seatbelt, stepping out first while Nayeon thanked him for the ride. After Y/N got her backpack from the trunk, the two of them waved goodbye to Yosuke as he left the lot shortly after.

"I can't believe I agreed to this." Y/N shook her head, following Nayeon inside.

"Oh, come on. Just give yourself even a few hours to relax for this." Nayeon then walked over to the counter and greeted the receptionist. After a short conversation, the two were lead to the changing room and Y/N opened of the lockers, replacing the complementaries inside with her backpack. Once she closed it, she walked to the showers, taking her shirt off first. Nayeon decided to look her way, keeping her body turned towards the locker in front of her. Once again the sight of Y/N's almost naked back, the only thing covering her upper body being her bra had clouded Nayeon's mind. So much to the point that she couldn't find it in herself to move, almost as if she had stopped working like a dysfunctional machine.

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