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"Is it true what Y/N said about Kiha?" Nayeon was currently being investigated by all of the members as they sat in the practice room. Momo was the first one to ask her a question when she finished retelling the entire conversation to them.

"Well I don't see a reason why she'd spent how many minutes giving me a fake story." Nayeon shrugged.

"What did she do in the past? 'Cause if whatever Kiha is working as now what Y/N used to be, then she's even more scarier- did you see all those people and the entire venue? Kiha could be a billionaire for all we know." Sana looked at the others and they nodded in agreement with her.

"Maybe you should ask her for more info." Jihyo pointed out.

"Just because we had one conversation without any arguments does not mean I can just talk to her like I would with anyone." Nayeon shook her head. A few knocks on the door was heard and they all turned their heads to see Yosuke opening the door for Y/N as she walked inside. The members all stood up upon her arrival and bowed, greeting her.

"Hello." Y/N placed her hands behind her back, bowing and so did Yosuke. A couple of the girls waved to Yosuke and he failed to hold in his smile, waving back at them.

"It has come to my conclusion that you all now know that there is history between Mr. Song and I." Y/N then turned to Nayeon.

Nayeon glanced at Y/N, feeling taken aback and avoided her eyes. "You didn't say I had keep it to myself."

Y/N shrugged. "I know, I specifically kept myself from saying so, knowing you're the type."

"What do you mean by that-"

"Mr. Song is a dangerous man and I apologize for bringing him to this company despite not having much of a say to argue with him anyway..." Y/N cleared her throat, looking away from everyone.

"You look tired, did you get much sleep?" Jihyo pointed out and the women all took a closer look at Y/N's face, noticing the bags under her eyes.

Y/N looked back up at her. "I was up late working on something Mr. Song gave me. It's because I've returned to him as business partners that I haven't been around much."

"Can you explain to us what is this 'business' you keep mentioning?" Nayeon asked and Y/N looked over at Yosuke. He gave her an assuring nod and she looked back at the girls.

"Make yourself comfortable." She gestured to the couch and they all either sat on the couch or the floor. Y/N sat in between Nayeon and Yosuke before starting her story, shortening it for their sake but by the time she was finished, the girls got grasp on a completely new perspective on who Y/N was. The room now contained the only people in Y/N's new life to know about her old life and to say they were shocked was an understatement.

"And now you're working with him again?" Jeongyeon was the first to speak.

"Unfortunately. If I deny him or try to run away again, I'm afraid the only thing I'll reach is a bullet in my head." Y/N clasped her hands together and looked over at Nayeon. "I'm surprised you took my orders."

"As much as it pained me to, thank you for telling me." Nayeon leaned back in her seat and Y/N nodded, looking down at the floor.

"So, who's the billionaire you're working for now?" Chaeyoung said and Sana nudged her. "What? It's kind of interesting no matter how bad it sounds."

"Lee Sooman." She answered and everyone's eyes went wide at the name.

"What for?"

"I usually don't ask. That's all Kiha's knowledge. Like I said before, I'm just the one gathering all the information and doing the hacking." Y/N responded.

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