Chapter Seven

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Authors Note: This chapter is short and as is the next which is also the final chapter of this story. It may seem confusing but I pray it'll be clearly portrayed as a whole. I feel the only thing left I can do with this fiction is to end it, as it was originally just a one-shot anyway.

Chapter Seven

I had woken up in a strange place, one I hadn't saw before. It was small, cramped, and terribly dark. I couldn't stand being in the dark anymore. I never knew when he'd pop up and take me over again. I need to see him, I'm sick of these cruel games. I'm tired of being afraid and hurt mentally, physically, and sexually.

He hasn't raped me in quite some time. I don't understand what he's doing at all, although it'd be quite terrifying to understand someone who's lost their mind. I don't know where he is, I can't even pick out his scent in the air.

I can't see an inch in front of my face but I can feel I'm in a small space. It feels as though I'm in a large box of some sort. It's rickety and moving. I suspect I'm locked in a miniature trailer being pulled by a truck or something of that nature. I simply found what I expected to be the back corner and cowered in it, afraid of anything that could happen.


Hours have passed since I realized my situation. I haven't moved from the corner. I was pretty sure my eyes were wide open but I couldn't tell anymore if they were closed or not. The trailer had bounced and shook for what felt like hours, I assumed we had been traveling down a dirt road.

Now everything was dead silent. Nothing was moving or making a sound, even the air felt as though it had stopped circulating. All I could hear was my own shaky breath, slowly inhaling and exhaling in fear.

Suddenly blinding light reached my eyes although it was simply the sunlight burning. I gasped as my eyes stung remarkably and saw dark figures climbing in and approaching me.


My eyes snapped open and I looked at every corner of the room to make sure no one was with me. I was in the basement and just had a nightmare. I felt confused. Mike hadn't moved me from the house. He knows Sam escaped and is receiving help and yet he hasn't made any moves to leave this place behind to avoid getting caught.

My body was aching. It felt like Mike had drugged me again. I was in so much pain, every move I made would draw a whimper to my lips.

The basement felt colder than usual. My body would tremble horribly which would send more stinging pain throughout my body. My stomach would rumble like never before and it felt so agonizing. I felt disgusting physically and mentally.

All the things he's done to me is destroying me as a person. I overcame who I was and similar experiences I had as a kid and became a better person from it. He's ruining that better person, what good can come from this?

I couldn't believe how much Mike hurt me. I just prayed that Samantha would return soon with help. I regret my decision of staying with him.

He killed my wife, held my ex wife hostage, raped me, drugged me, and hurt me. What could've driven him to this? Even the most psychotic person could never do such vile and twisted things.

I felt dizzy, a new and rare sensation. My brain felt as if it was fried and I was confused. I had thought I'd saw shadows in the corner but with the lack of sleep, I assumed my eyes were simply playing tricks on my mind.

Time couldn't have moved any slower. Everything felt unreal. I wanted to rest and be safe. I wanted my wife back and to hold her and tell her how much I love her just one last time.

I missed my friends. Brad, Phoenix, Joe, and Rob. I want to see them again. I want to tell them how much I appreciate them and although I may be different after this experience, it doesn't change the person I am inside. I just can't portray that person as well after this.

I wanted to preform again and to meet fans and write songs, just like the way things used to be. I want to explore the world once again and to feel as though I was apart of something.

Most of all, I wanted Mike back. I want to be safe in his arms and to be his best friend again. I miss being able to talk to him and he to me. I miss us being people.

I want my old life back and to have everything return to normal. Life will never be the same after this and the thought of that is more than unbearable. I just want one more day of things being the way they used to be.

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