Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

A soft groan reached my lips as my eyes slowly fluttered open. I took in my surroundings, seeing my dimly lit room. Stinging pain erupted all around my body as I attempted to sit up. My vision was suddenly blurry as I became light headed, the room being abstract. I heard the clicking noise of a door opening and another to indicate it's closing.

"Chazzy, our guest is here." He purrs, singing my name. I grip onto my own body, as if bracing myself from Mike although he's still feet away. My vision began returning and my strength was being restored. I attempted to steady myself but Mike had abruptly walked towards me and gripped my arms, causing me to rely on his grasp. "Any guesses on who it is?"

"Satan?" I reply dryly, causing him to chuckle. I was surprised by my own snarky remark but also slightly pleased with it. Even in the face of danger and insanity, I can manage a slight joke as if he's not serious.

"I used to think so, at least during our glorious Hybrid Theory days," He grinned madly and began leading me away from the bed and towards the door. Before I knew it, we were out the door but the trip down to the basement again felt like forever.

His ice cold fingers were digging into my pale, tattooed arm. He was pulling me gently but swiftly, only his tanned fingers making too rough of contact with my skin. Our pace was normal, natural even, but my anxiety seemed to cause time to slow. The way Mike moved, spoke, and looked made me feel more uncomfortable than I've ever felt around anyone. I've met plenty of strangers who made me feel threatened but nothing can compare to the way he makes me feel.

The way he won't take his hands or eyes off of me causes me a feeling of hopelessness, a strong desire to disappear, and a strong sense of insecurity. There is nothing left for me to do, no one could possibly save me from what they do not know exists. An escape is near the impossible, unless I plot out a plan which couldn't even be affective until it's far too late. I feel so vulnerable in his hands, he could do anything. Mike contains plenty of power except I am far too weak.

Mike has complete control over me and my own actions. He has changed me and will continue to adjust me until I'm exactly what he wants; the old me. He will drug me until I become dependent on it and begin to take it myself. Once I have done so, I'll be forced to rely on Mike, who is the only one who can reach me when I'm too far gone inside my own mind. I've figured out his plans but I have no power to stop them.

Everything seems to revolve around addiction and insanity. Mike appears to be clearly mad and addicted, in a way, to me. I don't understand why, but it's been enough for him to pursue his deadly quest in killing my wife and holding me hostage. He wants me to become addicted to drugs which will absolutely drive me to insanity. The thought terrifies me.

I snapped out of my thoughts, face to face with the basement door. Mike pushes it open and my breath is suddenly caught within my throat. My gaze rests on the figure of the guest who's hovering over Talinda's body, tears in their eyes. Clearly they aren't on Mike's side. They seem far too focused on to body to notice our presence and the sight brings heavy tears to my eyes. I haven't seen her in so long. Memories begin pulling and yanking on my brain as I watch her weep for my dead wife.

She brushes the tears away from her brown eyes. Her brown hair that was once in dreadlocks were now softly brushed and the hair surrounding her face was pulled back and locked together with a clip. She looked up, her naturally tanned face coming into better view. Her eyes meet mind first and she looks as though she's scared of me but that vanishes when her gaze flows down towards Mike's grip on me, showing her I had no part in my wife's death.

"S-Samantha?" I stuttered, saying her name as though it was a question. I knew it was clearly her but I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't bare the thought of the woman I once loved being tied up in my own twisted mess. "M-Mike, you have to let her go."

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