Chapter Nine

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I opened my eyes. I was in a hospital bed, bright lights blinding me. I let out a groan and rolled over to my side, where I saw Mike. I stiffened and pushed myself further away from him and ended up falling off the bed. I peaked up a little and saw he was sleeping in the chair next to the bed. My alarm started going off and I quickly tried to turn it off, when I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror across from us.

The blonde Mike had put in my hair was gone and my hair was now grown out and my natural brown. My nails were bare again, I was in hospital attire, and the only thing that remained of when Mike gave me the Hybrid Theory make over, was the ring inserted in my lip.

A team of nurses and a doctor came into the room just as Mike was waking up. The helped me to my bed, although I was struggling against them. They managed to get me held down and strapped me to the bed. I cried out but it did nothing. They had Mike leave the room and I caught a glimpse of his arm, which had a long scar down the front of his wrist. The doctor put a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down, Chester, we aren't going to hurt you," The doctor promised and I teared up. I let out a loud 'no' as I further continued to realize I was alive. I did not want to be alive. 

"P-please... no," I said to no one in particular, they just seemed to be the right words to say at the moment. I cried out loudly as they tried to talk to me but I absolutely would not listen. 

"Sir, Mr. Farrell is here," A nurse said, popping her head in the room.

"Bring him in," He rushed and the familiar ginger came in not a moment later. Without missing a beat, he came to my side and snapped at the doctor to remove my bounds, calling me confused and scared. "We don't know if he'll become dangerous."

"He's fine, let him go," Phoenix commanded again and they obeyed. Right when I was released, I hugged my old friend tightly and cried into his shirt. "Chester, shh. Everything's okay now. Can I explain what happened?"

I roughly nodded my head, wanting an explanation for waking back up into this nightmare. It was already too much.

"Chester, Mike choked you half to death. When you went to visit, he strangled you and you fell unconscious. He slit his wrist, trying to kill himself, and then facility members rushed in and revived you. They stitched up Mike's arm and saved him. We know everything that happened but I swear Mike isn't who he was when he hurt you. He's better now. You were in a coma once they brought you back and Mike spent almost the whole time back in the mental facility. He's on medication now and is perfectly sane. I promise," Phoenix explained and all I wanted to do was cry more than I already was. It was impossible. I shouldn't be alive. Mike shouldn't be let go of by the mental facility.

"I-I died...?" I asked uncertainly and he nodded. The doctor and nurses began leaving. "I should've stayed dead! Do you actually know everything?!"

"Ches, we do. He told us. Mike told us everything," He swore and I just teared up more.

"If I was in a coma, why aren't you surprised I'm awake?" I sniffled and he sighed, frowning.

"You woke up a couple times before. I've told you this exact thing several different times but this is the longest you've stayed awake. I think you're up for real this time," He smiled softly and a chill went down my spine. "Mike has been by your side every moment he got out of the facility. He feels horrible."

"I don't want to talk about Mike," I snapped and felt my body trembling slightly at just the thought of him. My mind flickered back to when I was a prisoner in my own home. I realized the other guys must feel the same way about Mike as Phoenix does. There was only one person who could understand in this moment. "I want to see Sam."

"I'll call her and tell her you're awake but... She moved. She might fly back but after everything, she swore she'd never step foot within a hundred miles of Mike again."

"I wish I could do the same," I sighed and saw Phoenix scowl at me.

"He's your best friend, Chester. Can't you look to the good of your heart to forgive him?" He snapped and I looked back down to the patterns of my hospital clothing.

"I don't know," I admitted and he sighed. I heard him start out of the room and I almost called him back but I decided I wouldn't. I just prayed they wouldn't let Mike in.

I caught my reflection again and allowed my tongue to gently play with the lip ring again. I looked into my own eyes and saw how bloodshot they had become. My focus went back to the labret. This has to be Mike's way of telling me it's not over. That it will never be over. I'll always be his toy and he'll always be the master. I can't even comprehend the basic fact that I am alive and so is Mike. I shouldn't be here and neither should he. We should be rotting in our graves but we aren't. I'm in the hospital, listening to the machine's pulse and Mike may still be in the building, plotting what he's up to next.

The world is destined to crush around me and swallow me whole. My life's purpose was never music. It was always to build up to this very point where Mike could do whatever he wanted to me and my soul for eternity. Nothing will ever be the same, even if Mike was my old friend again but when you look at the big picture, he was never my friend.

Author's Note- 

I decided to bring back this story, as I have many, many ideas for it popping into play. Some of you may wish that I left it untouched after the last chapter but I decided I couldn't leave it alone so now we have Dark Lust continued...

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