Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I woke up, still in Sam's arms as she sat against the wall, eyes open. I felt horrible instantly, believing it was my fault that she wasn't asleep but then I remembered we weren't against a wall when I blacked out. She must've moved the both of us, but why would she have me lean on her like this if she wanted to sleep?

"Hey," I whispered, finding it hard to use my voice. She seemed to snap out of whatever thoughtful daze she was trapped in and looked down at me. Dry tear stains streaked down her cheeks, her eyes were red, and her face was flushed. She seemed out of focus and lost in her mind.

"Chaz," She finally breathed and hugged me tightly, as though she just now realized it was me leaning on her. Her nose lightly dug into my hair and her arms remained securely around me. She pulled away after a few moments of silence, possibly thinking back to what she witnessed mere hours ago. She looked me head to toe, a much larger frown pulling at her lips. "What has he done to you?"

"Nothing you haven't already saw plus a few other things," I said softly and she gulped, seeing that this situation now seems hopeless. She began chewing on her bottom lip, lost in thought once again. I shivered and attempted to rise but nearly fell back down. My hands found the wall and I used it as leverage to help me. I felt massive pain all over my body as I moved. The feeling is unbearable but I somehow manage to my pile of clothes and roughly slipped them on over my thinning frame. I fall back down to the ground, knowing I didn't have enough strength to simply make it back to Sam.

A clenching pain erupts in my stomach as it growls roughly. Mike hasn't fed me since the very beginning. I can't even tell how many days have gone by but I'm assuming it's quite a few if my stomach is that empty. The thoughts of the rapes came back into my mind and I felt like I could throw up, but I knew I couldn't.

The way he felt inside me without any welcome was something I knew I would never forget. Just thinking about his cool hands sliding down my body makes me cringe. Feeling his lips hovering over me as he pants and grips onto my hips before reaching his climax is never something I wished I'd experienced. Although, I can't say I've never thought about Mike in a romantic way.

I've always saw him as a friend but occasionally I found myself wanting more. We never went further than small kisses that weren't even on the lips. It was all friendly, no sexual tension was desired from either of us, or so I had thought. He used to be so kind and sometimes a little rough but he was always gentle with me, as though I was a small, fragile animal.

He was always careful with me. He watched his words and his actions, making sure nothing he did could hurt me. He would put an arm around me all the time and kiss my head or pull me in for hugs, which I always loved. I don't know what it is about hugging someone that makes me feel happy. Mike always had the best hugs too, his strong arms gently wrapped around me never failed to make me feel safe. He was my best friend and my hero but I've been betrayed.

When did this happen? That's the main question on my mind right this moment. He was never this way, he always seemed to be normal. He was kind hearted and a sweet talker, definitely not a killer or a rapist like he is now. I wish I could grab him by the shoulders and shake him until my Mike comes back and pulls me into his arms and tells me it's okay. I want to open my eyes and see this was only a nightmare. I can't bare the thought of Talinda being dead or Samantha held here captive with me, it's horrible.

Another question that's hanging around the air is what Mike wants with Sam. Why did he bring her here? He stated he wanted the Hybrid Theory version of me back and Sam was my wife at the time, perhaps that's the cause. He wants to completely send me back to that era and having people who were a huge part of my life back then could help me get back there.

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