Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Did you not hear that?" I asked Samantha, digging up any strength I could find. My spine was sill tingling from chills running down it. Sam looked up to me, her face masked with confusion.

"Hear what?" She questioned me in return and my eyes quickly darted between her and the door, my breath becoming short and quick.

"T-that music! That music Mike was playing." I stuttered, impatiently chewing on my lower lip. She cocked her head slightly, feeding me a suspicious gaze that made me feel extremely uncomfortable.

"No," She paused. "Why?"

"He twisted up the lyrics of one of our songs and made it terrifying!" I exclaimed, feeling the strength I'm forcing back into my body settle. I carefully approach her slowly, attempting to ignore the pain inside of me.

"Are you sure it wasn't just your imagination?" She asked, her eyes rolling away from mine and making contact with the floor.

"...What?! Not even in my worst nightmare could I have ever thought of that!" I cried out, my mind buzzing.

"Why would he do that than?" She pressed, trying to show me her point which I could clearly see but I couldn't believe.

"Because he's still Mike! Mike must be trying to tell us something." I said, glancing from each corner of the room as if expecting Mike to pop out of no where and attack me.

"Chaz... That's not Mike anymore. That's the shadow of the guy we used to know. He raped you." She said softly, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and backed away from her, as if her words were literally burning into my skin.

"He's still Mike, I don't care what you say. He's still in that person. He needs help getting free just like we do." I said, trying to prove to her that I'm right. Mike is still in that body somewhere.

"You're talking about Mike as if he's two different people." She noted out loud, giving me sympathetic eyes.

"Maybe he is." I mused and her eyes widened. Her hands clenched into fists.

"Chester, you can't do this to me!" She shouted, bending over slightly as her words traveled through her.

"Do what?" I asked, slightly terrified of her sudden change of attitude.

"Go insane! You can't leave me for insanity, Chester!" She cried, small tears bursting from her eyes. My breath was abruptly caught in my throat because of the accusation.

"I'm not going insane, Sam!" I gasped back, my eyes trying to search hers for a solution to why she would say such a thing.

"It seems like you are, this is so crazy. Please, Chester, understand that that isn't Mike anymore. That's a stranger." She said more calmly now. I shook my head softly.

"He's not a stranger." I nearly whispered as my voice cracked. I was beginning to refuse the thought of my Mike being gone forever. Although I hate him more than I've ever hated anyone for what he's done to me, I still can't bare the thought of my best friend being gone.

"Really? Has Mike ever raped you?" She asked me, making my eyes squint and my lungs squeeze from such a blunt question.


"Has Mike ever-"

"Now you're talking about him as if he's two people!" I shouted with tears coming out of my eyes once again as I interrupted her.


"No, you see it. Don't you? You see that Mike's in that person but can't break free. You see it." I said, a bit more positively in the last sentence. I knew she felt it, I knew she could feel that this wasn't Mike.

"Chester..." She trailed off, clearly not knowing what to say to that.

"I know you can see it." I said, looking into her eyes deeply. She turned away, as if ashamed that she could see my point of view.

"Chaz, please. We can't argue, we need to find a way out of here." She suddenly changed the subject, making me sigh.

"What if Mike comes back?" I ask, the question not being thought about before being said.

"What?" She asked, clearly confused. I realized that she might think I'm talking about the new Mike so I quickly routed my dialogue to elaborate.

"What if our Mike comes back? He'll need us to be there." I said softly. Mike has to come back to us, I just can't lose him.

"Chester, Mike is not coming back. We are not talking about some supernatural force. Mike is not possessed, he's lost his mind. There is no coming back for him." She said firmly, a bit of edge coming into her voice.

"Yes there is! There has to be a way! I'm not giving up on him!" I suddenly shouted. I refuse to believe that he won't come back to me. The man who's helped me through thick and thin can't be gone forever.

"He raped you and killed your damn wife! What the hell, Chaz? If I were you, I'd hate Mike's guts! Even if his sanity returned! Which, as a matter of fact, I think I do hate him that much!" She snapped harshly, roughly sighing in exasperation after, as though she was growing tired of trying to convince me to hate Mike.

"Well... Maybe just one of us can escape and go get help." I suggested slowly and unsurely.

"I'm not leaving you alone here." She said softly, gently taking hold of my arm.

"Please, we need help and so does Mike. You have to get out of here." I slightly begged her, deeply wanting her to escape from all of this as I pulled my arm out of her grasp, She shouldn't have gotten involved with a of this.


"Please contact the rest of the guys after you get the police." I interrupted and placed my hands on both sides of her shoulders, looking deeply into her eyes.

"How am I even going to get out of here?" She choked, her eyes filling with fresh tears as they remained connected to mine.

"There's a window covered by some boxes to protect from the cold. It's a large drop but I think there's an old ladder next to it resting against the house." I explained and made my way towards the boxes and window. I cleared the way and opened the window, immediately shivering from the cool wind but loving the fresh air that came with it. I stuck my head out, gripping onto my stomach that growled at me. I saw the ladder and reached out for it with my hands but couldn't reach it. "I can't get to it."

"Let me try." Sam insisted and I stepped out of the way for her. It seemed like over half of her body was out the window. I heard her panting and metal scraping slightly against the house and I sighed of relief, knowing she had the ladder. When she came back in, her face didn't look quite as happy as mine. "The ladder's old and rusted. I don't think it can stand much weight. You're extremely skinny but I think if I left, even the slightest gust of wind could break the ladder entirely. I don't want to leave you here without another way out."

"Sam, it'll be fine. You have to go!" I insisted and nearly shoved her out the window. She groaned with frustration but went along and went down the ladder.

"You'll get help soon, Chester! I promise!" She yelled from the ground before taking off down the street. My eyes swelled with tears, I was beginning to feel lonely already and ten times more vulnerable. I don't know what Mike will do when he finds out Sam escaped. I looked out the window at the spot where she previously was before feeling something sharp stick into my arm.

"I thought she'd never leave." Mike's voice whispered in my ear before the entire world began to fade into darkness.

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