Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I slowly walked inside Mike's room. The walls and floor were white and padded. He only had the door I had just walked through. He was facing away from me, his back pointed towards me. I stopped when I saw him and turned around when I heard the door shut but quickly put my eyes back on Mike.

I felt immensely scared. They had told me he was nearing becoming completely better and kept him in this room for safety reasons although that seemed so hard to believe. I had to come see him after hearing this to find out for myself.

Mike began to slowly turn around. When he was completely facing me, his eyes were bloodshot and he had deep bags surrounding his eyes. His cheeks were marked with heavy tear stains and his hair was messy. He was wearing a baggy black robe that made him look not as terrifying as he seemed to be before.

"Mike," I choked out, my voice feeling rough. When I spoke, it allowed tears to form in my eyes. My best friend, he looked like he was back. I missed him so much, I couldn't help but rush forward and hug him tightly.

He gripped back tightly.

Too tightly.

Mike carried Chester's limp body into the back of the trailer. He set him down inside and admired his best friend's frame before closing it. He hopped in he truck and began driving.

Mike was cunning, he knew what was happening. Samantha was going to tell the others what he's done but he knew they'd never get Chester back. That wasn't how this game was going to be played.

He drove Chester and himself to Arizona, although he knew that would be the first place to be searched, being Chester's hometown. He knew what he was doing and was determined to do it right. Everything was going to go his way, damn the consequences. He had nothing that drove him to this other than love.

He loved Chester, too much in fact. Everyone stood in the way of them. The one thing that could bring them together was the only route Mike was determined to make. All of this was just the beginning of the end.

His plan was going into effect and he was tempted to skip straight to the outcome.

I couldn't breath. The air was thin and couldn't fit down my throat to fill my lungs. Everything was dimming with each passing moment that slipped by. My sight was blurry, my hearing was rough.

Samantha managed to get the police and the other members of the band. They all seemed so doubtful of her story but she persuaded them to check it out. When they couldn't find either Chester nor Mike anywhere, panic began to rise.

They searched anywhere they could in California before moving onto Arizona. It didn't take much to find the pair. Mike still had Chester in the trailer and was discovered. Chester was taken to intensive care, being heavily drugged and confused on where he was, and Mike went to court and pleaded insanity, which was given. He was sent to an institution to cure his ill brain.

I could barely feel the tears running down my face as he took every last breath out of me. I was terrified of this but also relieved. Whatever is after this cannot be any worse than the past.

Mike knew this would happen. He instantly began to slowly cure himself of an illness he didn't have. He wasn't insane, he never was.

He knew Chester would come back if he heard he was getting better. His plan was almost to an end.

Mike stood over Chester's body. He leaned down and kissed his forehead before taking out a knife and pressing it against his left wrist. He dug as deeply and quickly as he could and the blood gushed from the new wound. He grabbed Chester's body and held onto him.

"We'll be together soon."


Authors Note: This is the end of Dark Lust. The final chapter was short although I hope it felt right. Thanks to those who read, rated, and reviewed. I hope it didn't confuse you.

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