Chapter 2

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Mr. Incredible handcuffs the thief to a pipe.

Mr. Incredible: "Now you just stay here. They usually pick up the garbage in an hour."

Armstrong laughs, believing that he called the thief garbage. Then a helicopter passes by with Frozone and Krypto chasing it.

Frozone: "Hey, Incredible!"

Mr. Incredible: "Hey Frozone."

Frozone: "Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

Krypto: "It starts in one hour!"

Mr. Incredible: "I still got time!"

Armstrong: "He keeps saying that."

Then they hear screaming. They walk to the other side of the roof and see several people and fire trucks in front of a building. Telekibunny was standing next to the heroes.

Firefox: "What's going on?"

Telekibunny: "He's been standing there the last 10 minutes. He's gonna jump anytime now."

Mr. Incredible: "I have an idea!"

Firefox: "Are you able to carry people?"

Telekibunny: "I'll try."

As the person on the roof jumps from the skyscraper, Mr. Incredible and Armstrong run back, then make a running start to jump from the building. Telekibunny uses her powers to carry Mr. Incredible. Both were able to catch the citizen. They crash through the window of the skyscraper.

Man: "I think you broke something."

Mr. Incredible: "Well with counseling, I think you'll come to forgive us."

Armstrong: "You're welcome,"

They turn around and Mr. Incredible yells back at the others, "Go on ahead. I'll catch up later!" Firefox, Telekibunny, and Heatbeam walk away from the scene.

Heatbeam: "I call shotgun."

As they get up, they look around to see where they were. It was a bank. Gold Rush and Demolition Bird were there.

Demolition Bird: "Shhhhh."

Mr. Incredible: "What is it?"

Gold Rush: "He could be hiding here. Don't make a sound."

Armstrong: "Who?"

Mr. Incredible drags the man somewhere safe while the four inside look around. Mr. Incredible hears a noise coming from a wall. When he gets closer, he realizes it's a bomb.

Mr. Incredible: "GET BACK!!"

They duck right as the bomb explodes. It creates a hole in the wall. And out from the hole came Bomb Voyage.

Mr. Incredible: "Bomb Voyage!"

Demolition Bird: "You again!"

Bomb Voyage: "Monsieur Incroyable, Ruée vers l'or, Oiseau de démolition!" (Mr. Incredible, Gold Rush, Demolition Bird!)

Incrediboy: "And Incrediboy!"

Incredibro: "With Incredibro!"

Bomb Voyage: "Incrediboy? Incredibro?"

They fly over towards the heroes and villain.

Incrediboy: "Hey hey, aren't you curious about how we get around so fast? See, I have these rocket boots."

Incredibro: "And I have a flight suit."

Gold Rush: "You know these kids?"

Mr. Incredible: "Go home Buddy and Victor, now!"

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