Chapter 9

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Helen was hanging up laundry in Bob's closet when the phone began ringing. Before she could answer, Bob yells from the other room not to answer and that he's got it.

Bob: "Hello?"

Mirage: "We have a new assignment for you."

Helen decided to answer anyways and listen to what they were saying.

Mirage: "How soon can you get there?"

Bob: "I'll leave tomorrow morning."

Mirage: "See you there."

Bob: "Goodbye."

As Bob was about to leave his office room, Helen was standing in front of the door.

Helen: "Who was that, honey? The, uh, office?"

Bob: "No, the conference. Short notice, but duty calls."

He walks away. Helen stands there a bit confused. Krypto walks by them.

Krypto: "What's the matter?"

Helen: "He's going on another conference trip."

Krypto: "Again? Didn't he go months ago?"

Helen shrugged. Krypto knew that Bob was up to something. The next morning, Bob was in his car about to leave. Helen stands beside it.

Helen: "Bob?"

Bob: "Yeah what's up honey?"

Helen: "Have a great trip."

Bob: "Thanks, sweetie. I'll call you when I get there."

Helen: "I love you, so much."

Bob: "I love you too."

They kiss and Bob drives away. Later on, he, along with the other heroes are on a jet.

Boulder: "What's this assignment going to be? A dragon? A sea monster?"

Gold Rush: "Ooh, what about zombies!"

Armstrong: "Relax, guys. We're not even there yet. We'll find out soon."

Heatbeam: "Yeah Chuck, I don't think there will be zombies on the island. I think it's still evacuated.

Captain: "This is your automated captain. Would you care for more mimosa?"

Mr. Incredible: "Don't mind if I do."

Firefox: "Sure why not."

Demolition Bird: "No thanks. Not a fan."

Mr. Incredible: "Thanks."

Captain: "Your welcome."

The jet continues flying towards the island.

Armstrong: "There's the island."

Gold Rush: "Ah, it felt like yesterday we beat the spider-bot."

Captain: "Please fasten your seat belts. We are beginning our descent."

The jet starts flying down.

Demolition Bird: "Oh they should've began the descent back there!"

Boulder: "Uh guys, we're gonna hit the water!"

Heatbeam: "Hold on!"

The jet flies into the water and under the island. It enters a landing zone, stops and the water is drained. The heroes unbuckle their seat belts and exit the plane. They meet Mirage inside and transportation pod.

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