Chapter 18

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The Parr family were in a limousine with Firefox, Telekibunny, Boulder, Ian, Armstrong, and Vanellope. They were accompanied by Rick Dicker and Gru.

Rick: "We've frozen all of Syndrome and Vector's assets. If they even sneeze, we'll be there with a hanky and a pair of handcuffs. The people of this country are indebted to you."

Mr. Incredible: "Does this mean we can come out of hiding?"

Gru: "Well if I was in charge, I would say yes."

Rick: "Let the politicians figure that one out. But Gru and I have been asked to assure you that we'll take care of everything else. You've done good, Bob."

Gru: "And, if you are given the green light, your whole family has what it takes to save others. You should be proud of them."

Dash was playing with the window while Elastigirl was hearing voicemails from Kari and Porsha.

Vanellope: "What are you doing?"

Kari: "Hi, this is Kari, I have a question about Jack-Jack."

Porsha: "He's acting a bit strange..."

Elastigirl (to Dash): "Come on, we're in a limo."

Firefox: "Judy."

Telekibunny: "Yeah."

Firefox: "I've been taking that adoption idea seriously. And..."

Telekibunny: "Yes Nick. I want to look into it. First thing when we get home."

Firefox smiled and they hug.

Mr. Incredible (to Violet): "Hey, you're wearing your hair back."

Violet: "Yeah, I I just, yeah."

Mr. Incredible: "It looks good."

Violet: "Thanks Dad."

Ian: "Hey Vi. Would you like to try and talk to Tony again when school gets back in?"

Violet: "Well, I don't know."

Ian: "No rush. Just saying. I think you'll get along with him well."

Dash: "That was so cool when you threw that car!"

Telekibunny: "Aw thanks."

Mr. Incredible: "Not as cool as you running on water!"

Superdog: "Bolt was telling me all about it. Gold Rush made it look easy."

Dash: "And Mom, that was sweet when you snagged that bad guy with your arm, and whiplashed him to the other guy!"

Armstrong (to Mr. Incredible): "I think someone's thrilled."

Mr. Incredible nods. Elastigirl was more focused on the calls from Kari and Porsha. As the voicemails go on, they sound more freaked out.

Kari: "Mrs. Parr, it's me. There's some weird things going..."


Kari: "Jack-Jack is fine but we're getting really weirded out."

Porsha: "We need to take him to a doctor!"

Kari: "No, we're not doing that! When are you coming back?!"

Dash continued talking about what happened. "That was the best vacation ever! I love our family."

Vanellope: "Having powers is awesome! And we finally get to use them. How cool is that?"

Dash: "Super cool!"

Elastigirl kept listening to the voicemails.


Porsha: "I WANNA GO HOME!!"

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