Chapter 15

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Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Armstrong, Heatbeam, Demolition Bird, Firefox, Telekibunny, Superdog, and Boulder were running through the forest continuing to argue.

Mr. Incredible: "I should've told you I was fired, I admit it. But I didn't want you to worry."

Elastigirl: "You didn't want me to worry? And now we're running for our lives through some God-forsaken jungle?!"

Mr. Incredible: "You keep trying to pick a fight but I'm still just happy you're alive."

Superdog: "Why would you think we died anyways?"

Firefox: "Well, uh, um..."

Telekibunny: "I guess we're more super than you think, huh?"

Demolition Bird: "Oh, guys, I think I need to get take a few seconds break."

Armstrong: "And be killed? No, you gotta keep going!"

Meanwhile, the guard was still looking for Violet, Vanellope and Ian, a.k.a., MysticalBoy. He shoots at a bush.

Guard: "I know you're there little Miss Disappears and Mr. Wizard."

Ian uses his staff to lift a branch and whack the guard in the head with it. Violet reappeared and Vanellope came out from one of the bushes.

Vanellope: "Nice work!"

The guard kicks Vanellope into the bushes and trips Violet and Ian. They get up quickly and run towards a pond. The guard starts shooting at them.

Ian: "Bridgeregar Invisia!"

He begins walking upward to the trees and gets away while Violet disappears and jumps in the pond. The guard shoots at the water.

Guard: "You can't hide from me!"

He throws dirt in the water to see where Violet is.

Guard: "There you are."

Just as he was about to fire, Dash distracts him. Gold Rush and Mightydog do the same. Gold Rush knocks the gun out of his hands. That allowed Violet to get away. Then Dash tackles him and punches him repeatedly.


The guard punches Dash off him and he lands near Vanellope. The guard picks up his gun, and starts shooting at the two. Violet and Ian jump in front of the kids. Violet creates a force field ball around them.

Dash: "How are you doing that?"

Violet: "I don't know!"

Dash: "Whatever you do, don't stop! Vanellope, help me push!"

They start pushing the ball away from the guard and it rolls away. Gold Rush and Mightydog were outside the forcefield.

Mightydog: "Get on my back!"

Gold Rush does so and Mightydog follows the forcefield. Ships flew towards the forcefield, but were deflected off of it and crash into trees.

The adult heroes heard the explosion and stop.

Demolition Bird: "What was that?"

Suddenly, the forcefield came towards them.

Telekibunny: "Woah!"

They catch Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and Armstrong.

Violet: "Mom, Dad! Hey!"

Vanellope: "Ralph!"

Violet dissolves the forcefield and they land on the ground. The other heroes catch up to them.

Mr. Incredible: "Kids, you're alive!"

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