Chapter 13

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Elastigirl and Telekibunny swim to the surface. The kids begin panicking while Krypto tried calming them down.

Dash: "We're dead! We're dead! We survived but we're dead."

Vanellope: "I should've stayed behind. I'm sorry Ralph!"

Bolt: "What do we do? We're in the middle of nowhere."

Elastigirl: "Stop it! We are not gonna die! Dash, and Violet, both of you will get a grip or so help me I will ground you for a month, UNDERSTAND?!"

Judy: "Vanellope, Ian, just because she won't ground you two, doesn't mean we won't tell your parents you snuck in."

Krypto: "Seems like Ace has proven himself irresponsible."

Meanwhile, Mirage provides an update to Syndrome and Vector.

Mirage: "We have a confirmed hit. Target was destroyed."

Mr. Incredible, Firefox, Boulder, and Armstrong were devastated.

Demolition Bird: "Oh guys. I don't know what to say."

Heatbeam: "I'm so sorry."

Syndrome: "Ah you'll get over it. I seem to recall you prefer to work alone."

Vector: "Hehe. Now maybe you'll think twice before you crush our dreams."

They begin laughing. While Firefox and Boulder were sobbing and mourning, Mr. Incredible and Armstrong were enraged. Mirage saw this and pushed Syndrome and Vector out of the way. Mr. Incredible grabbed her in the process.

Firefox: "Bob what are you..."

Mr. Incredible: "RELEASE US, NOW!!"

Syndrome: "Or what?"

Mr. Incredible: "I'll crush her!"

Armstrong: "Let me do it. I'll smash her instead!"

Boulder: "Guys, don't do it."

Syndrome: "Ooh, that sounds a little dark for you. Nah go ahead."

Vector: "What?"

Syndrome: "I wanna see if they have the guts."

Vector: "Oh. Right."

Mr. Incredible: "It'll be easy, like breaking a toothpick!"

Syndrome (chuckles): "Show us."

The two villains watch the heroes, ready to see them kill Mirage.

Armstrong begins looking at the others beside him. They also watched. Demolition Bird slightly shook his head. Armstrong began to rethink what he was doing. Mr. Incredible lost his will to crush her. He drops her.

Syndrome: "I knew you couldn't do it, even when you have nothing to lose. You're weak, and I've outgrown you!"

Vector: "We'll leave you here for now. Just so you reflect on your mistakes."

Mirage follows them. She began having second thoughts about what she was doing.

Back at the water, Elastigirl noticed something.

Elastigirl: "Those were short range missiles. Land-based. That way is our best bet."

Dash: "You wanna go toward the people who tried to kill us?"

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