Chapter 16

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In the city, the plane that crashed splits in half and the Omnidroid awakens. Soldiers began shooting at it, but the metal was too strong. Soon, tanks began firing at the giant robot. The Omnidroid activates a gun on the side of its eye and shoots back. Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash, Superdog, Boulder, and Ian watch the destruction on a TV while the suspension system holds them by their limbs.

Mr. Incredible: "I'm sorry. This is my fault. I've been a lousy father. Blind to what I have. So obsessed with being undervalued that I undervalued all of you."

As he speaks, Violet creates a force field around her and rolls out of the suspension system.

Dash: "Uh, Dad."

Elastigirl: "Shh. Don't interrupt."

Ian: "No wait..."

Superdog: "Hold on, Ian. I wanna hear this."

Mr. Incredible: "So caught up in the past that I... You are my greatest adventure, and I almost missed it. I swear I'm gonna get us out of this..."

Violet: "Well, I think Dad has made some excellent progress today, but I think it's time we wind down now."

Superdog: "Aw man, I was enjoying his speech."

Boulder: "YES!!"

Violet hits a button that released the others. Meanwhile, Firefox, Telekibunny, Armstrong, Vanellope, Heatbeam, Gold Rush, Demolition Bird, and Mightydog were in another room with the same suspension system.

Gold Rush: "This is so uncomfortable."

Heatbeam: "Now you know how Bomb and I feel."

Demolition Bird: "He was beginning to wish death at one point."

Everyone: "Red!"

Heatbeam: "Okay okay I'm sorry. I just thought we would never get out of this dreadful island."

Armstrong: "Hey Nick, Judy. Remember that conversation about not having kids?"

Telekibunny: "Why are you bringing this up? It's none of your business."

Armstrong: "You ever considered adoption? I mean look at me, I still haven't married anyone but I am a single Dad."

Firefox: "We aren't qualified."

Armstrong: "You don't know that. If someone like me were to succeed in getting through the system, surely you two can do the same. Right Vanellope?"

While he spoke, Vanellope glitched off the suspension system and walked towards the control desk.

Armstrong: "Where'd she go?"

Vanellope: "He's right Mr. and Mrs. Wilde. But for now, let's pick up where we left off."

She presses a button to release the others.

Mightydog: "Nice. I'd say you got lucky, Armstrong."

Armstrong: "Please, call me Ralph."

They reunite with the other heroes and they run down a hall

Mr. Incredible: "We need to get back to the mainland."

Demolition Bird: "How? There's not much transportation here."

Elastigirl: "I saw an aircraft hanger on my way. It's straight ahead."

Mirage watched the security cameras and saw the heroes running past the cameras.

Heatbeam uses his laser eyes to help gap the doors so Mr. Incredible and Armstrong can push them open.

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